Non-Spreading Fire, Server Crash Questions, etc.


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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  vsub391 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #30662 Score: 0


    Hi there, This is Oocca.

    I am wondering if there is a plugin available that allows you to make fire without spreading it. This would be greatly appreciated if a mod replied ASAP. I am also wondering why the server is crashing so much so often :3 Really making me angry and I can never finish my buildings or play for less than 30-35 minutes without crashing and making me very angry >:( Being agitated is not something I enjoy, and trust me, you wouldn’t like me when I get angry :3 If it is a plugin that is crashing, I would ask that you speak to vonhooseondon when he is on the creative server, he says he may be able to suggest an alternative. I also wonder if there is the posibillity of adding a “Friends” plugin so that instead of people having to complain because they have to TPA to their friends and it takes like 10 minutes for them just to say /tpyes right when the server is crashing, so why not let them TP themselves?

    For example:
    [Jimmy]: Hey Bonnie! I am going to TP to you so I can help you build.
    [Bonnie]: Ok! See you when you get here!
    /friendtp Bonnie
    [Friends] Teleporting you to player Bonnie. Don’t move.
    [Friends] Arrived to player Bonnie.
    [Jimmy]: Hi Bonnie!
    [Bonnie]: Hi Jimmy! Give me a hand building this thing.
    [Jimmy]: Ok!

    And another thing: What about actual $5/mo for plots bigger than 100×100?
    Smart idea, you’re already getting money from da donors, so why not make more? CONSECUTIVELY? Anyway, That is all from me. I have more ideas but not enough to fit on a readable page 😐


    #30672 Score: 0


    I am not sure about some stuff but i think the friend tp would be really useful.

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