Nonolax Got Banned.


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Nonolax Got Banned.

This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #58709 Score: 0


    In game name: Nonolax
    Why You got banned?
    Theres a video that shows me hacking(Antiknock Back),As i said I wasn’t online For this week.
    Why you were Offline?
    My best Friend Came from another village(He got a car:D)
    Well I don’t remember this day wich shows me hacking,someone logged in with my account and used hacks!
    Theres much guys (5) who knows my password.
    I wanted to Change them But I got Banned lol.
    Whatever I have no proof. IF you Believe me UnBan me because the password will be changed and No1 will come again with my account.
    If any Mod have questions My skype name its giorgosgrn13
    You can add me and ask me.

    #58714 Score: 0


    I am voting up, but make a better appeal..
    1.Template, please
    2.How can we be sure :/
    Not saying I don’t trust you, just how are we sure.

    #58715 Score: 0


    As I said theres No proof..Imagine if i logged with ur acc and Hacking while a guy U can’t prove that u weren’t that guy..

    #58723 Score: 0


    Nonolax there is alot of evidence showing you hacked.. .-.

    #58735 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ^ Like IPcheck. SV mods will check your IP and see.. And yes, as said above, please apply the correct template, link: :)

    #58737 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Do you have more proof that during that time, you weren’t online and you weren’t hacking?

    Apparently ingame today, you told me the hack client’s name …

    #58739 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Well, the best we can do is, we unban your IP, but we ban your in-game name. So, you have to start all over, and you cannot get your items back since those items could have been gotten through hacks as well. That’s the only way you’ll be unbanned

    #58772 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Fyi,Never in forever share an account with other people

    #58777 Score: 0


    i know Nonolax from the first day i started and he helped me to learn about EC and Towns and etc. we are playing together over 3 months and i never saw him hacking i think that you have to give him second chance and he can proof that he was with his friend by uploading pictures with him :) so why you dont try that? BornCorn will agree i thing

    #58787 Score: 0


    Omg Wither..You didn’t know what we were talking about ah ?

    #58792 Score: 0


    The Client that I told you The name Its in Video that i recorded..
    And shows that a guy who uploaded a video called “How to ….” Has a file called <client_name> ..And i told it to you.
    So its Report From Me to You.
    But you didn’t understand it and you came here and commented “Apparently ingame today, you told me the hack client’s name …”
    What are you talking about man ??

    #58793 Score: 0


    It’s still your account and so you are the one taking the blame for it. You knew stuff like this could happen, as you see it all the time.

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