Not actually a ban appeal by DC.


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal Not actually a ban appeal by DC.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Aidan Nye 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #100323 Score: 0


    In-game name: DemacianCrafter

    When were you banned: I was banned last week, I think it was 14th of March.

    Why were you banned: I went in the minigames server to play KitPvP. Then I started playin’. After a few minutes, it started to lag a bit, but I still kept on playin’. Then, when some guy killed me, I was kicked then it says “Banned for hacks (flying). I did not use any hack or somethin’. Why would I?

    Who banned you: I don’t know. I think the server automatically did.

    Why do you think you should be unbanned: It’s because I did not use any hack. Besides, cheating is like off-limits for me. My net connection is just slow that time, and caused the lag. Maybe, the server thought that I was cheating and using hacks. I just don’t wanna get banned on any of the servers on EC.


    #100328 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    It appears to have been a server glitch i’ll look into it tho.
    For the mean time you have been unbanned but if you were flying i recommend you dont.
    Also side note this is a ban appeal.
    Headmoderator AidanNye

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