Now that's enough!!!


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Now that's enough!!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Badboy 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #34273 Score: 0


    My brother xmanfull got banned for xraying when he did nothing. Me and him got both banned by badboy. I seriously think that his nickname isn’t just a nickname, he’s an asshole. Just because someone get a lot of ores, you think they have xray!!?? Hey, I don’t even know why someone would download that, it’s against the rules!!!! I had a town, a life, and now he banned my brother, then me!!! Please a clever mod read this and unban me! I don’t know what’s the point of /wild if you get banned everytime you mine!

    #34275 Score: 0


    Tell us the whole story please.

    #34276 Score: 0


    I submited a ban appeal, this was just to let know everyone that badboy banned two people for no reason.

    #34277 Score: 0


    I usually don’t post on xray appeals unless people call me out like you just did. I watched you mine straight to diamond twice in the pitch black, there was no lighting, I also remember xmanfull, he was also mining in the dark, looking around in the dark, and continuously heading into and mining ores. Ban appeal denied.

    #34280 Score: 0


    Update: Both your and your brothers account’s ingame come back to a proxy, so I IP banned your proxys, the IP ban should be updated to your website IP, you’re welcome!

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