oegaboy's Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications oegaboy's Moderator Application

This topic contains 25 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  xZero_Strike 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #97218 Score: 0

    1 pt

    In-game Name: oegaboy
    Experience: This Is The First Time I Ever Applied To Be A Moderator. So It’s Next To Zero (Not To Be Confused With xZERO_STRIKE).
    The Server(s) I Apply For: Prison And Minigames.
    Online Time: All The Spare Time I Have (Always Exept Sleep, School And Homework).
    Reason: I Want To Help EC In Any Way I Can. It’s Just This Is My Favorite Server Off ALL Time And I Know It’s Going Through Tough Times.

    PS: I Know I Won’t Get Acceped As Moderator But I Just Want To Hear What I Can Do To Help And What I Should Try To Do Better In The Future.

    #97219 Score: 0


    Did you know that in the English language not every word in every sentence is capitalized?

    #97220 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Yes i knew that but i thought it looked nicer.

    #97222 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote Down

    -You have a fragile mind, one time you had a couple diamonds and a stack of logs on you, and you started raging when I MoD’d you, when really you lost stuff you could get back in 5 minutes

    -You tend to get over concerned over small things (ex: Prison was updating and you complained)

    -New player, I’ve never seen you until last month

    -Selfish, when you ranked up to I, you were all like “Haha Ander im higher rank than you”

    -Terrible grammer

    -I find that you can yes, be online, but that you can have periods of 2 hours where you don’t chat at all, and then you send a few messages, then quiet again

    -Insults? Spam? Several people reported you for caps/spam/insults

    -Mod app is junk (shows little effort into becoming a trialmod)

    -I also noticed you were inactive for 2 weeks recently

    -New to forums

    -Doesn’t visit forums often

    Ps: I know I wont get accepted but pls tell me where I need to improve

    If that’s your reasoning, make a topic in “general discussion”

    -Little bit of useless info

    -Never seen you report

    My opinion will change based on what I see from you.

    Admiral AnderZ

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  AnderZENZ. Reason: Block quotes are just ew
    #97225 Score: 0

    20 pts

    One more point: I’m pretty sure you can’t apply for 2 servers in one mod app..

    #97227 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Ander, not everyone has the gigift to talk as active as you are.
    Selfish? They were just being proud of their achievement in a short period of time. If anything it’s pride not selfish. It is possible to apply on multiple server using one mod app because of the “Server(s) applying for” . something you can get in 5 minutes? What if they lost it multiple times and had to do it multiple times already. Wouldn’t you rage?

    Now, vote down
    Anonymity on the forums
    First post
    Lack of detail and explanation

    I’m very impressed you got to I so quick

    #97228 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ok, I Will Try To Use All Of Your Tips. With The MoD’s I Didn’t Knew What Was Happening Because I Ranked Up From G To I In The Chinese Event In A Week I Think. And A New Player Yes, I Am New To The Higher Ranks But I Had An Inactivity For 8 Months When I Was C. Then I Came Back On And I Had An Addiction I Ranked Up From C To A In A Couple Days.Then I Took 4 Months Inactivity Because I “Accidentely” Broke My PC. Then I Came Back And Played Slowly But Surely Towards F Rank And Played On Further Towards G Then I Became Inactive For A Month (School) And Came Back When The Chinese New Year Event Began I Ranked Up To I. And Now Here We Are.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  oegaboy.
    #97232 Score: 0

    20 pts

    @Waveware okay before this mod app turns into a mash pit of insults and arguments, let me just explain one thing: He was raging over losing that stuff once, and the proper term I guess is “bragging”

    #97246 Score: 0

    12 pts

    If you want to be a good player. Do these things.

    +Always report player if needed to.
    +Try and be active in game and the forums.
    +Report any bugs that you find.
    +Be nice to players.
    +Try not and get mad at players if you got killed. I know how you feel.
    Now! on to the voting.

    Vote down sorry…
    -Inactive on the forums.
    -Some what new to the forums.
    -Inactive in game. I don’t now if it’s timezones? But I know I’m always online. But I barely see you around.
    -Sometimes get’s mad at ppl if killed or scammed or so.
    -Get’s mad at ppl.
    -Poorly mod apply. It look’s like you didn’t even wanted to try and make a good mod apply.
    -+ grammer? Eh.. I think ppl don’t have much care if anyone has good grammer or not. But it’s always okay to have some tho.
    – I may have reported you before.. I don’t know because I got hell of reports…

    Also I’m not going to jump in this fight that Ander, and Wave have. It’s better off if I stay out of it.

    #97249 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote down sorry

    -I am online for weeks and I barely see you one Idk if time zone
    -Fairly new to forums and in game
    -If you can’t keep coolheaded in game then your not qualified as mod
    -Bit too quiet in chat

    good luck!

    #97273 Score: 0


    Vote Down.

    From my perspective,I think you are just taking the advantage of the situation right now since EC needs mods atm.
    -Anonymous on forums
    -Rarely sees you in game
    -Poor Mod App
    -Never saw you helping
    -It seems you came back from inactivity

    Also ,you should have made a “what you think about me” topic instead of mod app for opinions.In case the mod app gets denied,you will have to wait for 3 months to make another.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  Trevish.
    #97282 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    Reasons :

    -Poor mod app

    -Poor reasons

    -Inactive in-game(I’ve been playing EC until 12 am and i have never saw you on before so timezone doesn’t matter)

    -Inactive on forums

    #97290 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Try improving your english a little bit, it’s decent, but it could be better.

    Don’t be anonymous, not on the forums nor in-game. Show yourself and try and help people whenever you can.

    Next time, put some more effort into your mod-app.

    If you’re planning to become a moderator, you can’t get mad over things like dying in Prison. You need to see that coming, after all, it is Prison.. Speaking of which, you can’t get mad over other things as well. Just control your anger.

    Also, typing by capitalizing every initial is very annoying to some people, including me. It was an old habit of mine but now it annoys the hell out of me. (This doesn’t apply for being a moderator, just a general tip)

    Ofcourse, my vote is a vote down. However if you follow those tips I mentioned above you can improve your chances of becoming a moderator.
    Good luck.

    #97299 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    -All you say on the forums is pointless

    -Didn’t use english properly

    -You can’t apply for two servers

    -Inactive ingame

    -Inactive on forums

    -Never reported ANYTHING.

    “I Know I Won’t Get Acceped As Moderator But I Just Want To Hear What I Can Do To Help And What I Should Try To Do Better In The Future.”

    -You can just make a ‘What do you think of me?’ post. You don’t just make a moderator application because you know you won’t get accepted, so what’s the point?


    -‘All the spare time I have’ is very little information, what’s your spare time?
    Overall Results

    Positives | Negatives

    0 | 10

    Wow. This is the only grocery list I wrote with only negatives.


    #97300 Score: 0


    mizo you can apply for 2 servers at once… just make both identical mod apps on both servers…(for wider coverage)

    otherwise vote down i guess…

    (reasons stated above)

    rating = 26/100…

    (first time criticing a mod app… sorry for my newbieness…)

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