(off topic) XD please respond


Home Forums Global Off topic (off topic) XD please respond

This topic contains 53 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 11 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 54 total)
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  • #15522 Score: 0


    I can eat pretty much anything. Except TOMATOES!

    #15788 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    How bout’ SQUID? 

    #16412 Score: 0


    Squid is good.  I’m running Minecraft on a potato, the Tater2013

    #17370 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Hey how’s everything everyone? I will be selling some quartz very soon! If you want it be sure to do /mail send jminer96 to tell me if you need help or if you want to get your hands on some quartz and invisibility potions. Yep that’s right I’m selling invisibility potions! Go get some and bring out you inner ninja in you. Sentence of the week is that shaman believes he can fly and lag glitches. And yes I’m selling cookies, I better hide from you know what before I get attacked and that’s why I’m going invisible. Finally my ninja skin makes sense! XD anyway be sure to check out my mod app and tell me what you think. Keep in mind that my in game name is jminer96. Don’t be fooled by my eternalcracked forum username its only because I changed my username from joey to jminer96. I just wanted to clear that up. Anyway have a good day.

    – Jminer96 (aka joey)

    #17375 Score: 0



    #17586 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Yeah I know right so many things in one. I try to make it look funny and entertaining at the same time XD

    #18941 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Hey everyone its me jminer96 and im just checkimg how everyone is.also go check out my mod app at


    Ps im joey though i changed my username to jminer96 .

    #18942 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Please check out all of it because i updated it

    #19500 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Okay then who likes candy? I know i do :)

    Yeah and also im going to be on eternalcracked survival for almost every day now so you guys could get to know me better as jminer96 and if anyone needs help i will be more than happy to help :)


    #19504 Score: 0


    I like chicken CURRY and NUGGETS. Chocolate is ok. I Love Ice-Cream

    #19515 Score: 0


    Well lets begin xD I like starburst lollies i love chocolate cookiez watermelon fried rice lasagna pasta cake choco mousse and ALOT MORE XD ~Bowmaster55

    #20054 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Hey everyone how are you doing? Sorry i wasnt on in the past few days i recently got a virus on my computer and i spent a while to fix it. Im going to be on more often now as long as i dont get another virus XD. Anyway please check out my mod app i updated it on one of the pages so be sure to look at all the pages. It is called joeys mod app. See you there


    #21441 Score: 0


    Endermen are lasagna!!!!!

    #21987 Score: 0


    So there are 3 people they stand on a sign that says blob then gandolf jumps with a sword and says u will not pass then stabs them then captin America turns into a zombie and kills jack sparrow then iron man punches him then thor comes and bangs them together and hulk comes and bangs them into the ground and says arbxjdnjdhdnxndnd and throws them at a wall and their guts come out and the FBI is like July then Hume flicks them And eats chocolate

    #22192 Score: 0


    Pefer a toxic bomb blowing up and chocolate saves the day

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 54 total)

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