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This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  takoballball 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #62516 Score: 0

    There are some updates I didn’t like at all…

    • New Town Rank: CoMayor
    • – Same commands as assistant
      – but if the CoMayor claims land and bankrupts the town, you will not be refunded. It will be the mayor’s fault for giving such a player that promotion.

    • Assistant loses commands. Assistants no longer can claim land, and/or set taxes.”

    It would be more suitable if we can really modify the commands assistants have. I don’t really see the point of adding a rank solely not to not punish unauthorised town size increase.

    “Towns have a Bank Cap of 400k.”
    I am giving an educated guess that states that you’re doing this for the small inactive towns with 2m in their banks. Why not delete them manually? Or maybe automatically delete the towns using an amazing plugin the headmods could form?

    “Town claiming costs 3k per plot.”
    I don’t see why increasing our towns’ size has to be so challenging. Magnifying the towns is the point of towny, just saying. It’s not fair to have such a huge increase in main world’s land, and have it expensive to expand our land.

    #62519 Score: 0


    modify the commands assistants have.

    I don’t think that is possible what you want, maybe that’s why they did add another rank for that so you have more too choose from.

    Why not delete them manually?

    That would take a huge amount of time fixing a problem that shouldn’t be a problem.

    #62521 Score: 0


    That’s just akward.

    #62525 Score: 0


    We can’t manually modify the commands. Our first thought was to take t claim auto individually. After discovering we couldn’t we thought of a whole new rank that allows you to seperate the people that deserve a rank I’m your town , to people that not only deserve it but you trust them enough to give them these extra perms. While not giving them perms they shouldn’t have such as promoting.
    This solves many problems. And the reason we tell you we won’t refund you is do to the fact that if you trusted this guy enough to give him claiming perms when you could have just made him assistant where he had perms to basically everything else, well it’s your fault. It’s putting your faith into someone you either trusted but problems occurred or you promoted someone recklessly.

    #62530 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It is not possible to have modifiable ranks, it would be cool if that was possible, but it isn’t.

    We can’t just delete a town that has 2million, that would require to check every single resident and make sure that they are inactive. If your town is active, there wouldn’t be a problem in putting money in the town.

    Plot claiming was 1k each, and this price is so cheap that players who can claim can be reckless about it, and claim around towns, make snail trials. This will reduce that.

    #62532 Score: 0

    Alright, I understand now 😛

    #62535 Score: 0


    It is not possible to have modifiable ranks, it would be cool if that was possible, but it isn’t.
    Is this a challenge?

    #62536 Score: 0


    yeah so you just have to deposit kinda daily when you use it so example 400k last 100 days so maybe every 50 days you store 200k then you’ll be able to keep the upkeep moving

    #62538 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Deleting ‘inactive’ towns are tedious and VERY VERY Dangerous. Let’s say that a person said they’d be on a vacation, they come back, and their creations are gone.

    The max bank thing is to prevent inactive hogs, primus could deposit like 70 million dollars, and it’d last forever.

    I do agree with Richard a little. Wouldn’t mayors just give everyone assistant rather than going through the trouble of co-mayor? I mean assistants can do 95% of all the things that co-mayors can do, and if they do abuse, they can get banned, so in my view.

    #62551 Score: 0


    Just set a plot tax on urself of 4k. Wouldnt that be the same?

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