Ok so guys… Bad news?


Home Forums Global Off topic Ok so guys… Bad news?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Djgamer741 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #72569 Score: 0


    Alright so i’ve just been recently reading mojang posts and all But then while i was scanning through some posts i saw this https://mojang.com/2014/06/lets-talk-server-monetisation/
    This talks about how servers can accept donations but can’t give perks that affect gameplay like maybe perhaps items and all, also stated that you are not allowed to split the non paying players from the players or more likely equal, so I was just running through my thoughts and. I realize that how could Ec run if people won’t donate?(not much) some people donate for the reason of having perks and all :/ so, it said Servers aren’t allowed to earn profit from their product :/ unless it is a donation or sponsor…

    -Djgamer741 worried for the greater good :0

    #72572 Score: 0

    16 pts

    EC isn’t gunna follow the EULA. Basically if Mojang wants to get lawyers to shut down the server, they can. Otherwise, most of the people agreed to keep the donations still there.

    #72573 Score: 0


    Mojang can’t do anything to cracked servers

    #72574 Score: 0


    Well than Probably thats good news 😀 and theres also mentioned that their planning on making minecraft server exempted and will be able to profit, because there is only one exemption, videos

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