Aight maybe I tried banning wither and stuff cus he leik abused mod power and shtuffz.
But Dam Dis Skill Dat Eagle eye Wither xD I Had Tracers But no kill aura or sumtin k?
This time ill delete huzuni in front of you ill share screen + ill try to block the website ill share screen again Alright? And if you ever feel im hacking again BAN ME AND DONT GIVE ME ANY OTHER CHANCES AFTER THIS APPEAL!
im Doing Minecraft Photoshop Atm Daily check out mine-imator for the Animation and Backgrounds from Its all free and Easy To use, And if you don’t get the point you might wanna check Youtube and stuff for Tutorials about it :T
I’m Sorry EC People for Using : Tracer Hacks o3o
and Ye Wither I disrespected you and stuff, That Deal was a Huge Mess, My My!
So IM just wonderin if I can Get unbanned, Its k say no or yes I just want the truth.. IM a bonfire burn me its k if I get burnt in da face.
I just have no other server to play on and stuff +Im just gonna get my Razor Microphone like I dunno 2 weeks because _Sko33_ and _zko7_ are in America and they Will Buy me One for Videos, We will also make a website supporting this server just Right after I get my Microphone as soon as I can ill do it.
Thank You for Reading and Noticing this Ban Appeal, I Hope I get Banned soon.
-All Apologies and Appreciation from Mubar_ak47d
This topic was modified 10 years ago by Mubar_ak47. Reason: More things to say
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