One spot in my town is extremely laggy


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report One spot in my town is extremely laggy

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ADCKnight 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #79550 Score: 0

    2 pts

    One spot in my town is extremely laggy client side, at first I thought it was my shop having so many items, but now my shop is closed and no longer has items, yet the lag in that location remains, then I thought it must be the farm to the north of my shop, but my /Home 1 is one plot away from there and can run all 30 floors of the farm without getting lag on a real slow computer.

    So I was investigating, and discovered that the lag does not hit until you go southish side of my shop, (Co-ords 1488,65,-496) yet there’s nothing there, just some vacant houses. I cant really search underground for whatever is causing it (can’t be above ground just empty houses there) because I’m at work and this computer is too slow for that zone, my home PC doesn’t lag so it also makes it hard to find…

    I’m not sure what the admin team can do about this… As I can’t even explain what’s causing it, I just don’t want to have to make a new shop at a new location when I eventually reopen.

    #79564 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I’m pretty sure this happened to someone before, and the mods fixed it, so they most likely will fix this too.

    Welcome back ADCK :)

    #79572 Score: 0


    /lag may help us solve the problem.

    #79573 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Good to see you back ADCK. I’ll tell xavier about this see what we can do

    #79584 Score: 0


    There are 2 possible things.
    1. Someone made a lag machine in your town.
    2. The plot is corrupted.
    I will take a look at it next time I am on.

    #82787 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Had another look, seems to certainly be in the vicinity of X 1479 Y 68 Z -488 something in that area is causing massive lag, i dug straight down from that location, but there’s nothing unusual underground there.

    If there’s anything the admin can do I would really appreciate it, I’m holding off on getting a new shop and donor until it can be fixed… But i may end up getting a world edit token or two to move my shop to a new location instead ><

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