Osera and MrVanShoot Luring


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Dicedead 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #31826 Score: 0


    Basically I was lured by them (you get that from the title)

    The gist of it is that MrVanShoot asked me to tp to him and when I asked why he said ‘To come to my house’. I tp’ed to him and landed on the large tall wooden pillar in the /wild where Osera was waiting for me. He hit me and I fell to the ground (and died) and I saw MrVanShoot was at the bottom, as if there to collect my stuff. A bit later Osera requested me to tp to him and when I asked why, again I was told to ‘come to my house’. I tped to him but this time I noticed I was in the exact same place and made the first hit.

    I have an album with photo evidence but bare in mind that its not in order because I dont know how to work imgur that well so I don’t know how to rearrange picture.

    Thanks for hearing me out!


    #31827 Score: 0


    Oops its this one: http://imgur.com/a/Cc5PY

    #31830 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I know both of them luring, but I haven’t got any proofs. Thanks for the screenshots, I am sure they will be punished for what they’ve done.

    #31834 Score: 0

    13 pts

    He was trying to lure me as well. I was trying to mine with some friends(Nightfury18 and brianser) and brianser sent a tpa request and I was about to accept when Osera sent a tpahere request to me, I teleported to their place and ofcourse I am fast enough place water XD. MrVanShoot attacked me with his god stuff but of course he wasn’t any match.

    #31853 Score: 0


    Glad you got him… I hate lurers

    #31859 Score: 0

    3 pts

    lurers are lured by those who they wanted to lure but its not a lurer so he didnt lure so osera cant say bleh is a lurer cause he lured him so its osera who lured and mrvanshot too hes a lurer but hiim he didnt got lured by anyone so he have no excuse to dont have the “lurer” tag and osera too she/he dont have any excuse to dont have the”lurer” tag but bleh didnt lured so hes not a lurer so he cant get the “lurer” tag but he lured without luring means killed by luring means lured by self defense thats the perfect anti lure to those fucking lurers no merci with those lurers they need the “lurer” tag thingy cause they are lurers from the moment they lured and decided to lure and thats a fucking thing to lure and luring is not allowed cause luring is really bad who lure is a dick (oh ok pigman is a lurer so?) and congrats bleh u got the lurers who wanted to lure u by luring them but u didnt lured cause that was self defense


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