Our fallen Monst3r *sniffs repeatedly*


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ZeBlitzKiller 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #90392 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Well, this is sad news, but our dear TrialMod, friend, whatever he is to you, SevenFootMonst3r, is sadly no longer with us. He has left the mod team and most likely the server. For me, he was my catapult to staying in EC myself, he always helped me, he was sort of like, what I would call, a genetic brother. He always put a smile on, his best foot forward, and helped us extrordinarily. I just wish that we all take a few moments to acknowledge our friend’s departure, he will deeply be missed. If it weren’t for him, I would never have stayed on Eternalcraft. If it weren’t for him, Asia would not exist. If it were not for him, I would have no friends. Now here’s the deal with me: I will probably be extremely upset most likely, so please don’t start ratting on me… It’s going to be tough for me to pull through his departure, I will find it tough to move on. All the memories, the very beginning, when I got my first plot in the server, up to my final words with him, just hours ago. I found this out a some 3 weeks ago he would probably leave the server, but I didn’t wish to make it public. As we all salute our fallen comrade, I have several wishes for his possessions, please Survival admins+ contact me ingame as soon as possible, because I’m kind of in the driver seat of what happens with his things, me and Rogue are. Again, please take time, and acknowledge our fallen monst3r.

    #90393 Score: 0


    You’re making it sound like he’s dead. ;-;
    We’re surely gonna miss him. The mod team, the members, everybody. :)

    #90395 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Uhh, just saying. He just quitted being a mod, he didn’t quit the server lol.

    Also this is what seven officially said:

    “So its been 1 year for me on EC, I’ve had a fun ride with a lot of people, I’m honestly very grateful for what I have learnt from here and the friends I have made. However all good things must come to a end. I remember when I first joined the server, I remember not liking the server at all but it grew on me day by day. It started off as a fun expirence. EC was like a drug, i was addicted and wanted to always get on as soon as possible and just play for hours. But now, i must do the right thing and leave, it just feels like the right time. Rather than wanting to come on, it feels as if I have to come on, like a duty. I’m in no shape to be a mod. I’m thankful again for all everyone has done for me regardless them being my friend, enemy, or netural. I’d like to thank Jttttttttt3, ZznabelaA, Rogue. I’d like to thank a lot of other people but they’ve all left or i’d probably forget their names :/ Once again, thank everyone who had been there for me and I’m very grateful for this opportunity, but im leaving with no regrets as this feels like the right time. I guess thats that. What an amazing place full of amazing people. I will forever be grateful that I met you all. Thanks guy. Goodbye and Farewell”

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #90399 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Oh by the way, he mailed me about it, and personally thanked me. As I said in the topic, I knew his resignation was pending for weeks now, and it wasn’t as big a shockwave it could have been.

    #90411 Score: 0


    He’s a good guy..he helped many players through his shop..hoping for his return..

    #90423 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Ah another lost to the mod team..I hope he comes back

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