Paintings Or Item Frames


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  vsub391 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #32462 Score: 0


    Lately I’ve seen builders and myself putting up Paintings for decor and it really brights up the place we built.But more or less it will be always cleared but the ‘Clear Lag’Some people doesn’t know that and they keep trying.Will the paintings lag the server? Maybe or Maybe not.But it reallys does make the place looks more awesome.So if there is gonna be paintings i will be really pleased and maybe don’t lets the clear lag cleared it.

    This is just gonna be another opinion

    #32472 Score: 0


    Why would a painting make lag? I think that they shouldn’t clear paintings.

    #32477 Score: 0


    IDK.I doesn’t but clear lag always clear them

    #32484 Score: 0


    It’s more down to Minecraft than EC, because Minecraft deems paintings to be entities, meaning that they are cleared in the Clear Lag announcement. Not sure if this could be changed.

    #32485 Score: 0


    I don’t see why they would lag the server. They aren’t microblocks.

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