ParaCreeper's Mod Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications ParaCreeper's Mod Application

This topic contains 9 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #90417 Score: 0


    In-game Name Used: ParaCreeperFTL

    Experience:I created and ran a bukkit server for a short while. I also was moderator on a different server (that shall not be named.)

    How often I am online: I am on for 2-3 hours at least, and usually from 5-9 PM EST. I can be online on other times if needed.

    Why I want to be a mod: I want to help the server. I really do. I could be a builder, or whatever. You name it, I can most likely help

    #90418 Score: 0


    Vote Down:
    -I haven’t exactly seen you really have the traits of a moderator. You are also sorta that member who’s just…there. You don’t go out of your way to help it seems. Your mod app doesn’t seem to put any detail and on top of that, vague reasoning.

    #90421 Score: 0


    Vote Middle so far…
    +Friendly, Helpful, Willing Personality
    -Inactive On Forums
    -Reasoning Isn’t The Best
    +Active In-Game
    -Don’t Help (based off of I’ve seen)

    #90422 Score: 0


    – Vote Middle up
    + Willing to help
    +I’ve seen her help
    +Active in game

    The only downside…
    +short mod app
    +inactive in forums

    #90442 Score: 0


    vote Down
    -Poor mod app
    -While you have been a mod on another server, this is not said server, this is EC, also when people say that on their mod apps it’s almost a 100% lie.
    -You used the word “whatever” which is getting the message across that you’re too lazy to actually explain how you’re useful

    #90444 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Agreed with MSN and syth, vote down

    #90445 Score: 0


    Vote down

    -Not active ( Maybe Time-zones)

    -Never seen helping

    -Not really active on the forums

    -Really Poor Mod app

    -Forgot to insert many stuff

    -Should of made a longer Mod app with all details inserted

    -This looks like you haven’t given your time to make a good Mod app and looks like lacking off

    -Never seen you report

    -No hard feelings, but this is what I think.

    ign: Own7ge

    #90456 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote Down

    1. Don’t see you online much, amazing thing being, I’m in EST too

    2. You occasionally help

    3. Recently denied feom the same server, nice..

    4. You have a bad attitude towards critics

    5. You got any alternate accounts? It’s rather important

    6. I’ve seen you asking how to use certain things in prison before..

    7. Hardly see you in the forums

    8. Anonymous

    9. Occasionally spams, caps

    10. Crappy layout

    11. Crappy application

    #90461 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    1. Really short application
    2. Never see you reporting
    3. Inactive on forums
    4. Never see you on
    5. And when I do, you never help
    6. Anonymous on the forums/server. Who are you?
    7. Tons of information missing from the application
    8. Experience section is kinda short, you are supposed to state things like how long were you registered in EC, how many years have you been playing MC, etc.
    9. “I want to help the server. I really do.” Many ways to do that as a member 😮
    10. “I could be a builder.” You were supposed to know which specific rank you wish for. You can not apply for a Builder rank in EC, you have to contact a Head-Moderator. Applications are made by those who wish to become trial-mods
    11. “or whatever.” As syth pointed out, using that word shows how uncaring and lazy you are towards your application
    12. “You name it, I can most likely help” Refer to Comment No. 9

    #90494 Score: 0


    I forgot to include than you should wait 3 months between every Mod app unfortunately you haven’t followed the rules. :( …. Please wait 3 months between every Mod app.

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