Penguinoe Hack (Kill-Aura)


Home Forums Survival Player Reports Penguinoe Hack (Kill-Aura)


This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Einow  9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #115522 Score: 0


    Penguinoe is hacker (Kill-Aura), and this is why I show my video:

    #115533 Score: 0


    Emmm… Can you explain me where is the hack? (I am not testing you, I just want to know… I mean, He just hit you, no?)

    Emmm… Me puedes explicar donde está el hack? (No te estoy probando, sólo quiero saber… Digo, Él te pegó y ya, no?)

    #115536 Score: 0


    From what I saw he is Not hacking Doesn’t mean hes punching you from when hes in pvp and your not doesn’t mean hacks if he killed someone without looking or like when your OP and you /v and he turns at you and hit and you /v again and he turn backs its Reach or Kill aura Still I’m not Convinced that no prove to me Sorry I don’t know what the Real Staff members think i would not think that he is Hacking,

    #116609 Score: 0

    20 pts

    It didn’t look like hacks to me, but I’ll let a GuardianMod+ decide.

    #116611 Score: 0

    Einow 
    1 pt

    I can see some hack , In the minute 2 , the head of Penguinoe move a lot, so is possible he is hack, but i will let a GuardianMod decide.

    #116614 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Einow, you basically repeated what I said XD

    #116616 Score: 0

    Einow 
    1 pt

    Yes the final part 😛 xD

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