people winnimg B.S money -.-


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  • #62933 Score: 0


    So because you have a ”brick” pc we should change our events ? And whats the reason of payment change, either they win for example 30 k or a godpick thats worth 30 k.

    #62936 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I have to agree with the others, Ves. You wouldn’t take it personally if Bleh won all of the song guessing contests XD.

    #62944 Score: 0


    Bongo im not sayin that what im trying to say is if you hav enough money do you really need more when other people workin there butt of jist to gain tye same ammout as rich be wasteing

    #62948 Score: 0


    ‘ So because you have a ”brick” pc we should change our event’ Alot of ppl are like me like junlenoob if you watch his vids hes like me

    #62949 Score: 0

    5 pts

    But most rich players have worked hard to get their money. Everyone else has equal chance to become rich too. I don’t see reason to leave rich people out just because they have earned money.

    #62950 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hide your kids, hide your wife. Hide your kids, I hide your wife. We’re gonna find you. We’re gonna find you….

    But, seriously, wouldn’t you be pissed if you had gone through a hard event and you just got denied the prize, after all of that hard work?

    #62952 Score: 0


    It would be abit strange to block them from joining any events and such. Like said above it’s not like they joined the server and got lots of money. They have putt work and effort into it and thats why they got that amount of money they have now.

    #62953 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Ves, I know exactly what you’re going to say next. You’re going to bring up the previous thing you said, and we’ll just say the same thing. Unless you bring up some amazing non – arguable point, we’re not convinced.

    #62954 Score: 0


    The quiz and game prizes are given to the person with the most luck/ability. Its a free for all chance. 10k is important to everyone as well. 10million is quite alot but and yea those people have alot of money already. But those people also put in alot of effort to get the 10k same as any other new guy. Maybe he has a farm but he gotta spend alot of money and time to build a farm. instead of being a lazy guy wanting to win money from games and stuff, why not put in the 40k u got into buildin a farm instead of whining cause u are unable to win any money from games due to ur lack of ability?

    #62957 Score: 0


    The thing is those rich players are more often than not, experienced players and therefore richer than most and will also know most of the commands (if not all) inside out. However the amount of money they have is irellavent and trivia isn’t the only way to make money as those players who were initially rich utilised their farms for the long term. If you were one of those multimillionaire players, you would disagree to this wouldn’t you because you would think this would be unfair, which is why when making a point like this, you must put both sides into perspective.

    #62964 Score: 0


    tacoballball plz dont ofend no one imcluding me cuz noone is acting li that anf also i nt sart this cuz im sad i dnt win no games if i had million of dolors an a game start ill go an i win ill give some of it to the losers

    #62972 Score: 0


    Vesl, please understand.
    Greed is a natural feeling that all humans have.
    If you just won, say, 1 million$ in an event (over-exaggerating) or even in real life, would you give all of it away?
    …I wouldn’t think so, if you would, then…
    You are the most amazing person I would have ever met.
    But you’d probably not.
    And as others have stated, if you want money, work for it.
    Even if you computer is “a brick”, try to fix it.
    No offense, but don’t just sit there complaining, while you could be out there building a farm or doing something to gain money.
    I’m sorry if I have offended you, I’ve just tried to explain VESL.

    #62973 Score: 0


    Well heres the thing, Events are fun and learning is what it is to me and People win the money fair and square. They earn it by trying hard! What if your the rich person that wants to win money in the event? But this dude is complaining on how you shouldnt get it.. Would you like that? I wouldnt think so, maybe you wanna look on what you said and read other people opinions

    #62976 Score: 0


    I don’t think you understand the goal of the events. It’s for people to have fun. The reward is just to make more people join. We just want you to have fun. If you only care about money I suggest you go buy it for one dollar (real life money) instead of complaining about it.

    #62977 Score: 0


    randomguy020,BlonFTW,DarkDelta you guys are not understanding what im trying to say,if i had millions of dollars i whont give it all away ofcourse all give some away to diferent people and save some for my personal needs.and im not complaining about how i never win or how poor i am or enything like that.what im trying to say is if you have million+ and there doing a event that gives away lets say 5k to otheres thats alot now im not saying you shud not play but if you win split the prize money because i guesse you guys never felt the defete before over and over it sucks felling that and if the winner split the prize money to the rest there gana fell even better i dont care about the money i know its supost to be fun but some people take it too seriouse and it gets too bad to even enjoy it.also when i say i have a slow computer its not ‘bricked’ it has only 1 gb ram and thats not even the point and yet you guys keep bringing it up and you just find a way to side with the rich people i understand money is nice I LOVE MONEY but its a game money and people just keep being greedy my higheest amout of $ i ever had was 50k and i gave away about 20k to people that really need it of course i keep the 30k for myself that what im trying to say thats the hole point of all of this mess if your rich as hell and you win a pointless money you dont even need give away atleast 25% of it to the loser so at lease they can feel they won a little :I

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