Personally For Born (Hg Banning)


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal Personally For Born (Hg Banning)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  dantheracer 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #24127 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Born, i read from another post that you tried to jump everywhere and do a lot of stuff and tried to get urself banned from the arena server. According to that post, u said that u didn’t get banned or warned at all. That post was about the stupid banning plugin for the ARENA server


    According to my evidence: I sometimes get warned with that stupid plugin.

    From previous EXPERieNCEs:

    When u jump everywhere, u don’t get warned or banned
    When you tried to act liek cheating, you don’t get banned
    When you have a lag spike and lagg out: YOU DO GET BANNED
    For other sutff idk how


    When born test out trying to cheat and get warned, it failed. But when the server have a lag spike or the player have a internet out for SECONDS, it cause a lag spike which then, the server thinks u are moving too much. Another thing is that when you are glitching somhow and trying to get out, you get warned for hacking….


    #24130 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I’ll have to test it again, but when I use an efficiency 2 diamond axe while buffed with Haste 2 from a beacon to cut down giant mushrooms, i get hacking warnings from the server, and have to fly to slow down my cutting speed enough to not get kicked.

    #24131 Score: 0

    14 pts

    What are u talking about, THIS is about the AREAs SERVEr????

    #24185 Score: 0


    I played hg and was running towards a mountain and then lagged backwards and was banned not 1 warning I have the same problem and has been kicked from Super Smash many time while using the feather.

    #24323 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Yeah, i am talking about those lags…. Those that make you go back… The COmputer thinks that you are cheating, but at your screen, you are actually lagging back blocks trying to go back to the same location…

    #25212 Score: 0


    when i jumped down, its says i was teleporting and once i got kicked when i was just walking!

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