Pie My unbanned please :c


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Pie My unbanned please :c

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  GamerEdy2 10 years ago.

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  • #86154 Score: 0


    I come here today to make a proper ban appeal, i dont really understand english so with the help of riverrunner600 he translated this for me and helped me to make a better ban appeal.
    Ingame name: Gameredy
    Where were you banned: survival
    Why were you banned: xray or admitting to hacks.
    Who banned you: i do not know.
    Why should you be unbanned: ive learned my lesson , this will be my first and last time doing this conflict and i am aware that if this occurs again. I will not have a second chance.
    Thank you for reading

    #86155 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Will be forwarded to a survival mod


    #86156 Score: 0

    19 pts

    Yea but PLEASE stop spamming different appeal topics, if you want to refresh it, go to an older topic and reply with the word “Bump” without the quotes, it will get mods’ attention. 😉

    #86215 Score: 0


    xZero_Strike thanks I appreciate it very much ;’D

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