PirateCrazyzz Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal PirateCrazyzz Ban Appeal

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  vsub391 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #79986 Score: 0


    Ok this is my ban appeal, i don have too much time cause i m not in home i m in a store so i hope u understand…

    In-game name: PirateCrazyzz
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.): Duping Hacks
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):Survival
    Who banned you: I dont know
    Why you should be unbanned: Because i got banned for a ingame command. I believe it s plugin’s falut and not mine.So please unban me so i can come back to my friends,my town and my residents. Thank you

    #79990 Score: 0


    Ok first of all in order to have a chance of getting unbanned you better explain how you duped. Also we have been watching you for a while and me and other mods have seen huge amounts of ores in your shop (all of them are cheaper than dshop). Also me and TheHighOreo noticed that you have 60 enderdragon eggs in stock.Furthermore you told me that you have found a dupe glitch. So yeah… I think you get the point.

    P.S. TheHighOreo banned you

    #79998 Score: 0

    12 pts

    true ZznabelaA

    #80011 Score: 0


    The fact that there is a plugin error thats the server’s problem yes. However taking advantage of that error for your own benefits first off is YOUR own fault. Next is the fact that you didn’t report this glitch to the authorities and you decided to keep on going with the glitch which also is YOUR fault. Explain the fact why you didn’t tell about this glitch and kept using it. Blaming a command will only dig you deeper into a hole. If you want to be unbanned then you better come clean.

    #80015 Score: 0


    That’s a serious load of crap. Don’t give me that “it’s a plug-ins fault”crap. That is like justifying hacked clients by saying “it is minecraft’s fault for having hacked clients.” You abused the glitches and never reported them. Denied for now.
    Contact a moderator on Skype to discuss your ban. Mine is vsub391, please add me.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  vsub391.
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