Player Ultra-Report (13 offences)


Home Forums Prison Reports Player Ultra-Report (13 offences)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #116527 Score: 0


    Hi Eternal Friends!

    I was playing prison, and then BAM! a player started to use Caps lock, spamming characters, disrespecing, swearing, and using PG +13 terms… (like mas****ation).

    Eto… All them are in spanish, and I am too lazy
    for translating them… (Einow, I will love you if you do it ;3), but believe me, they were bad…


    My name: Guayaquil
    Offender’s name: AlexMarquez
    Reasons: They are below ^ (use Caps lock, spamming characters, disrespecing, swearing, and using PG +13 terms… (like mas****ation).


    #116847 Score: 0


    Dealt With Thanks For Reporting.

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