Please Add this to Sv


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion Please Add this to Sv

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jerome43926 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #120988 Score: 0


    HI! guys
    i did this to recomend some kits for ma j
    Free kits That should be added:
    Artemis: Full chain armor projectile protection 4 a bow with power 7 infinity 1 Flame 1 unbreaking 3 2 healing potions & 2 regeneration potions & give’s you speed 2
    Scorpian: Give’s u a Flint called Tooth wich has sharpness 6 on it a Cactus Green wich poisons with mob on hit give’s it poison 1 for 3 seconds and give’s u iron chestplate and legginings no protection and lether helmate and boots with protection 4 and a bow with power 5 infinat 1 flame 1
    Bomber: Give’s u lether armor Red and 2 stacks of tnt thay explodes automaticle or flint and steal eather way give you stone sword sharpness 3 and unbreaking 3.
    Mage: Give’s you a blaze rod that shoot’s out fire balls wich do 5 atack damege and none area damege so it can only hit 1 mob at a time Orange lether armor with fire protection 4 and Give’s you 3 extra Health bars.
    The Flash: Give’s you speed 3 with stregth 5 no wepon & 2 notch apple’s and Gold armor with protect 2.
    This kit is only if mods want it in xD: Pewdiepie : Give’s you Stregth 8 because of his mighty bro fist abilaty wich u can right click every 20 seconds and last’s for 5 seconds a iron sword unbreaking 3 knockback 2 3 health potions and 2 notch apple’s and diamond armor none enchanted(Mods Can nerf this kit if wanted :D)
    Buyable Kit’s:
    Cost’s 600k/60000$ : Moad – Mother of all Bomb’s : give you Chain Armor with blast protection 10 a stone sword with sharpness 6 or 5(Again whatever the Mods Want)4 stacks of TNT and a Special lever that Can shoot out a fire ball That Hit 5×5 Blocks when shot at a mob Doesnt break any land and can be use’d every 30 seconds.

    Hade’s Price:30000 : Give’s u a hoe that has Sharpness 10 and Fire asspect 2 Iron Chestplate and Iron legging’s with protection 3 and chain helmate and chain boots with Fire protection 4 give you 4 extra health forever but u need to regen to get the hearts back.

    Borncorps Price : 300000/300k : Gives youa diamond Axe with sharpness 8 unbreaking 3 fire aspect 2 and Effect’s all mobs with wither 2 for 1 second when hit Health boost 10 so it give’s you 10 more hearts 3 God apples 10 Healing potions Diamond armor with protection 5 Unbreaking 5 on diamond chestplate and legginings protection 8 on diamond helmate and diamond boots no unbreaking a Bow with all Bow enchant’s But with Power 8 5 Bone’s ofc to summon 5 wolfs named after the 5 Server mangers.

    Riminder: If mods want to nerf some of the kits make the price’s hire or lower feal free to do so and have a nice day :)

    #121018 Score: 0


    OMG…I can barely decipher some words

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Trevish.
    #121131 Score: 0


    Bro i roght everything good stop complaining

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  jerome43926.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  jerome43926.
    #121134 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Most of them are repeats of current classes or too OP.

    #121285 Score: 0


    AnderZENZ make them worth more money then :)

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