Please re consider my ban


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Please re consider my ban

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nhu 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #29771 Score: 0


    I was in my grand moms house because a thypoon got in our country and i was at my grandmoms house to secure her. My cousin got left in our house to guard some things i didnt know he knew my password on EC i got home yesterday and when i joined to EC it says cannot connect to node1. Please reconsider my ban i didnt do anything there was no computer to play on at my grandmother’s house. I really hope i can join this great server.

    #29774 Score: 0



    You know that your story is abit hard to believe right ? I mean you are going to your grandmother to secure things and your cousin is going to your house to secure things there. That doesnt make much sense. I have the feeling you are trying to lie your way out of this.

    Where you live ? and what date was it ?

    #29776 Score: 0


    me and my cousin live in the same house and my dad sent me to my grandmothers house to check if everythings ok, i didnt knew my cousin knew my password and he used my account i didnt know what he did to get my account banned. He said my account got banned 19th of August.

    #29778 Score: 0


    Please unban me i want to play with my friends and i want to play at this great server.

    #29779 Score: 0


    What town you from and what day was that storm ?

    #29780 Score: 0


    im from phillipines, i think the storm was from 18th to 21st of august coz our classes got suspended from 19th to 21st.

    #29784 Score: 0


    Ahh,Where From Phillipines are u coz I know where is the typhoon its from Luzon tell me where u from Phillipines,So that I can tell GuardianMods or higher rank to unban u then im from Phillipines I can help u..

    #29787 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Appeal Denied. Tried to steal money out of town banks.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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