Please read this, i am inocent


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Please read this, i am inocent

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nhu 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #29500 Score: 0


    stating why you were banned:i was mining and the an admin tp to me and kick me of the server then i join and i got ban from x-ray and i dindt even had x-ray.,when you were banned:1 year ago. who banned you nhu, and why you should be unbanned i think i should be unban becuase because i didnt had x-ray and i was a good guy and i hope u guys unban me please thank you.

    #29501 Score: 0


    Its been a year, I say we give him another chance. But then again, not my call 😛

    #29505 Score: 0



    #29507 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Master I temp banned you for the first offence of xray on December 24th, 2012. I then perm banned you one month afterwards for the second offence of xray, January 24th, 2013. You had a chance after you were first temp banned to remove whatever you had, and you did obviously xray.

    Appeal Denied.

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