Please read this is a misunderstanding


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal Please read this is a misunderstanding

This topic contains 28 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #72581 Score: 0


    i was not exraying it was just that the chunks were loading and i saw were the diamnds in the secrets mines were, pluse it wa s only 3 diamonds that i found.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  skills641.
    #72583 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Use the template:

    If you have been banned, you can apply to be unbanned, but only if you use this template:
    In-game name (with right caps):
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.):
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):
    Who banned you:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Any ban appeals that either don’t follow the template or are made more than once have a much lower chance of being accepted.

    #72590 Score: 0


    Anyway that is glitch abuse so that is also illegal. Whether or not you had X-ray installed, seeing through unloaded chunks is a form of X-ray.

    #72607 Score: 0

    5 pts

    It is 😮

    #72895 Score: 0


    Who banned you: i dont know
    Why you should be unbanned: it was a missunderstanding plz forgive me. i did not “xray” it was just a chunk loading and i got 2 diamnds from that and i got one on the surface, and i said “wow i got a diamond in the seacret mine” and thats how the admin/modarator found me and banned me for this misunderstanding. so please under stand and un bann me i am a frecuant user of this server and i want to just play so please under stand. :)

    #73322 Score: 0


    This was not xray please understand im not trying to spam but its just, no ones responding so please help! ;(

    #73323 Score: 0


    Please listin to me here because the admin/mod was not lisining to me i wanted to tell him wat had happend but he did not lisin so please just read/respond ive been pasiently waiting yet no response so please say something anyone. :(

    #73324 Score: 0

    1 pt

    If its true you saw through an unloaded chink where there was diamonds it’s still against the rules so the admin/mod had all the right to ban you rather because you had xray, for glitch/bug abuse. And please don’t say “I didnt xray!” Because technically you have, seeing through unloaded chunks is basically xraying and abusing glitch/bug.

    #73371 Score: 0


    its not xray its just somthing the game did xray is a actual hack and i did not install any hack so i was not xraying, plus it was unintentional

    #73376 Score: 0


    Chunks not loading dont show diamonds slapkamretard…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  Xavier3479.
    #73379 Score: 0


    SlapKamRetard, xray is not necessarily a hack. It is anything, from glitch abuse to hack to texture pack that gives you an advantage on where to find ores.

    #73999 Score: 0


    but thats what im saying it was unintentional i did not mean dfor this to happen i just want to play agian i was not glitching hacking or xraying

    Texturepack: no theres lava parkour thteres no way i could have done it
    Hacks: i dont know how to hack, idont know how to even install a texturepack
    Glitch: i dont know if it was but calling it a hack or somthing is wrong its like saying clicking fast is some pvp hack, no its not its somthing in the game which is justified. Same with my case it was somthing in the game that happend and also it was NOT ON PURPASS so thats relly unfair to ban me please just un ban me i did nothing wrong. PLEASE JUST LISTINE TO tHIS!!!

    #74004 Score: 0


    Guys………….um i read everthing so yea….. he should be unbanned it true he did not do it on purpass so yea like he said its “unfair” also what he said about the clicking fast thing is relly true he should not be banned!
    :) its compleatly fair

    #74006 Score: 0


    :) i swear on my life and all my family ive seen him around prizon and he is soooooooooooooooooooooo nice he gives “noobs” rank d armor, food, iron tools, and stone tools for free. For as proof u can ask people that play alot like minecrafterloard, he always says in chat “Who whants a free set of chain armor with protection one on it” (he does this just too be nice.) if u guys keep him banned its a shame. it people like him that make eternal crack so great and fun for people that just whant to jump into this game. so banning him was and is a mistake. unban him hes a nice guy

    last time i was on he said he was going to give me 2k :)
    im not saying this beacuase of the money he was going to give me but of what hes done for the community hes a great guy and it sucks to see him banned for a bs reason! :(

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  Fredman2525.
    #74009 Score: 0


    Skiper it was not abuse or any glitch read what he said. he said it was loading chunk aswell as saying it was intentional and it was once so that means it is neather abuse or any bug!

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