Please read this It was an accident


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Please read this It was an accident

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #28615 Score: 0


    Hello I am Majicjack2434 I recently got banned because of advertising
    i just wnat to say it was an accident my little cousing told me an ip and i had no where to write it in so i typed it in the chat and i was going to delete it but i pressed enter by accident and i was banned by badboy169 andi hope to play on this awesome server once again
    thanks you

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  majicjack2434.
    #28621 Score: 0


    You know, you could do this :
    /msg <player> <message>

    #28625 Score: 0


    You will probably get unbanned. Don’t do it again.

    #28641 Score: 0



    #28642 Score: 0


    Ehhh I don’t know, you told me that your brother sent the message and that your cousin told you that you got banned. If you can clear up the story I’ll consider a unban due to the misunderstanding. :)

    #28652 Score: 0

    7 pts

    He should be unbanned, I think I can make the story more clear. So, his brother told him an IP address of a server while he’s playing. But he can’t write it anywhere else, so he typed it in the chat button but he didn’t press out enter. But then he accidentally did when he was finding something to write it on or anything. So I think he should get unbanned.

    EC is getting much more strict than I think.

    #28654 Score: 0


    Marehlyn00 is my sister we all use cracked accounts so i told her to enter and tell you that i (which im her brother) tell you that i didnt mean to advertise that it was an accident abd you told me to make a ban appeal so i did…….

    The story is..
    My little cousin called me on my phone and told me of another server, he told me the ip but i had nowhere to write it in so that i can remember so i typed it in the chat and i went to get a piece of paper and a pen when i came back i sarted to write it on the piece of paper i was going to delete it but i pressed the enter button by accident and i entered it in the chat by accident and i got banned

    Thats the story like i said it was an accident i didnt meant to advertise i am very sorry and i hope i get pardoned

    BTW The ip adress was wrong it didnt work

    #28760 Score: 0


    I am still banned please can i get a reply from badboy or any head mod or admin

    #29336 Score: 0


    After reading over what you’ve said, I’ve come to the conclusion that it was accidentally typed in the chat, appeal accepted, unbanned.

    #29337 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Yay, and ur unbanned but u are not mayor of my town

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