Please Refund


Home Forums Prison Help! Something oopsd! Please Refund


This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Tiger 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #132825 Score: 0


    Hi i couldnt get the full pic since something went wrong i got kicked for idealing more then 15minates havent moved for that and i logged back in and i lost all my stuff and i got pissed now i got the proof because it sead your inv got cleared and i ended logging back off as sone as i saw Your inv has been cleared or what ever it says i really would like a refund of what i lost 2 times now because 2 days ago btw 2 days ago because a mod will probably see this tomorrow i had my 2 p10 picks on me and i lost them all and i had a legendery pick today when i got kicked i bought it from killa btw Thx killa but i lost it again and the armor i was wearing is lost too it was a new L set and i had 2 stacks of K Darts and 20 K cures i hope u can refund ehm and oh i forgot it aint proof nvm it was because when u get kicked and log in u get that thing but still please i really would like a refund ;-; thanks

    #132834 Score: 0


    Good lords administrators informed him that this day has been a bug is cleared invetario , ask them to reimburse me my stuff I lost 3 peaks P10 boommtohell me one free gift , buy him another killaking0909 after you buy one and also have to boommtohell I lost 2 Old Trades please ask them to fix this bug and reimbursed me my stuff

    #132839 Score: 0


    It is not inv clear glitches, your inv loads to an old time stamp or session where you have nothing with you, since some players find old items previously in the inv being cloned with the present items being lost. I lost a legendary pick because of this.

    #132842 Score: 0


    Administrators gentlemen ask him to give me back my stuff please several users has been reset them invetario ask that we reimburse our stuff

    #132866 Score: 0


    i lost….p7 p8 legend pick not something like p10 but i need you give me refunds! cause i have nothing more to mine… this bug sux! i lost 2 weekly and 1 borncorp 16 l cures D:

    #132868 Score: 0


    please refund

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