Please unban Harry28000


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Please unban Harry28000

This topic contains 36 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  harry28000 12 years ago.

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  • #15956 Score: 0


    Hey guys most of you may know me Harry28000 i was banned some time ago for disrespect i am sorry for what i said i didnt know it was bad i remember saying to someone your a Homo or something on the lines of that and i try to back my friends up because i wont just stand there doing nothing i will help my friend if someone called my friend gay and i will say Gay = happy easy,so can you please leave some feed back and say if i should be unbanned because i realy miss everyone and once again i’m sorry for miss-behave



    #15957 Score: 0


    Tell me what you guys think 😛

    #15958 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I don’t think you should be unbanned. You refused to listen to mods, when we told you to stop disrespecting players. And when you were muted on one account, you would go on  other account and carry on. And you would say much worse than what you wrote in your ban appeal.

    Among this and other things Vote Down



    #15959 Score: 0


    k zupers let me get somethings straight around here,i was saying bad things because i got muted and not him plus i died in the end and lost my chain prot 4 unbreaking 3 armor that i was mad about but the point im trying to get here is that he started it and he didnt get muted i got warned for it and muted but he got nothing -.- Also that was the past i may change 😛

    #15960 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It wasn’t just one guy, it is many people. Okay, you lost your chain from one guy, but what about everyone else you offended? There isn’t a reason to get mad for losing anything, whatever you lose in minecraft takes at most a day to get back.

    And to reply from your previous statement,” I may change ” ???   That is a red flag… Usually people who make a Ban appeal, they say,” I ‘will’ change.” Another one from the top of the thread,” I didn’t know it was bad ” ??? Usually after your first warning, you should of known it was bad. You shouldn’t be lying bro

    #15962 Score: 0


    Harry u were xraying aswell

    #15963 Score: 0


    First of im not lying second  if someone says one thing to me i have the right to say something back and mostly they only warn me then dont warn the other guys that is something i dont get and im not lying about I may change i am telling the truth because i have calmed down recently i try to calm my tempers i will just tell a mod if someone swears at me and not swear at them back hope you under stand and hope you want me back,and about the X-ray thing i think its because i mined diamonds to fast something like that so yeah. Thx for reading this and hope i get Unbanned


    #15968 Score: 0


    Did you finnaly decide to stop making alt accounts? your ip has made several alt accounts that just happened to start after your banning. I also do not think you should be unbanned. VOTE DOWN

    -TrialMod Pigs

    #15985 Score: 0

    I agree xray and any other hack and not being respectful  deserves a ban. Vote Down. This looks bad for the community :( though i am sorry for ur loss of being on the server.


    #15988 Score: 0


    i understand what you guys are Getting at but realy we can work things out? or maybe just have a private talk on skype? No need to hate and 1 more thing was the ban also for alt accounts because its not what i was informed about Anyways i think mostly everyone hates me 😛 and i think that i am on the wall of shame so yeah you may just deny this cause there is no use to me getting unbanned when everyone hates me :( so fare well People on ec server i am not comming back.


    #15989 Score: 0

    5 pts

    You are banned and you will stay banned. 1. You have been tempbanned atleast 3 times which two are xrays and that will cause permban already. 2. i think you have the biggest amount of reports and mutes in history of EC. After all this we can’t let you play on EC anymore

    #15991 Score: 0


    Hey hab can you maybe tell me if im on the wall of shame and also i dont think i have the most Mutes/Reports on ec cause i seen few people who had Like 120 warnings or so and they had like 4 bans so i disagree. Unban me :p


    #15992 Score: 0


    Thx for your time 😛

    #15994 Score: 0


    Can a head mod or born please check this i am more likely Not going to get unbanned Because of the “Vote downs” so yeah i need more people to check this to get unbanned and thx for a vote up but hey i thought you cant vote on these kinds of things Just say If you want me back or not thank you for your time and much appreciated for all The feed back and i agree with everyone idc if someone says they dont want me back i just want to see what you guys think of me and ik i am bad but before i was good and never got a ban for like 8 months now But got it now and i nearly been on ec for 1 year!!! to bad im banned though everyone will understand Last but not least sorry for the bad Behaviour latly. its just a miss understanding and the x-Ray part of this i dont know can you maybe Explain the x-Ray part for me in full detail thank you 😀



    #16003 Score: 0


    So can i got anymore People to check 😉

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