Please unban Harry28000


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Please unban Harry28000

This topic contains 36 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  harry28000 12 years ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 37 total)
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  • #16012 Score: 0


    Check this guys!


    #16015 Score: 0


    You got banned like 5 times now, and every 4 times you didn’t change ANYTHING. You were still disrespecting the players. You are also banned for X-Ray. Now that is two in one. And now asking for ANOTHER chance? You don’t deserve it. You got banned fair and square.

    -TrialMod Shadow

    #16021 Score: 0


    I agree with shadow dont unban him

    #16022 Score: 0


    Hey guys most of you may know me Harry28000 i was banned some time ago for disrespect i am sorry for what i said i didnt know it was bad i remember saying to someone your a Homo or something on the lines of that and i try to back my friends up because i wont just stand there doing nothing i will help my friend if someone called my friend gay and i will say Gay = happy easy,so can you please leave some feed back and say if i should be unbanned because i realy miss everyone and once again i’m sorry for miss-behave
    I dont believe u so plz dont lie

    #16039 Score: 0


    Hey,Hey im not lieing Plus whats the big deal ik Tom doesnt like me anymore but before when we were friends ??? Now i am the most hated person around here? Whats the big prob GUYS who knows bongo’s Skype i want to have a private chat with him and tell him what happend and he may Unban me but you guys are just Not working for my information i was banned for x-Ray and DISRESPECT and that is the truth so why you think im lieing thats the damn truth so dont say crap about it Plus you guys are all Haters :( so please stop just say if you want me back or not ik i did lots of mistakes but i can change like 8 months ago i didnt even get 1 warning and now i got 5 bans Plus lots of warnings and that si because of people swearing at me and i swear at them back and they dont get a mute and a warning and i get it all and Jail. so why dont you guys warn the other guy who swears at me ik when i did swear at Tom that wasnt a mistake that was because he was getting on my Nerves. Unban me 😛


    #16046 Score: 0



    #16049 Score: 0


    You all hate harry because he is better then you i think that he deserves few more chanches because he is old player,and in 1 year he got banned only 6 times.Thanks for your time!

    #16050 Score: 0


    Yeah i agree with IVI i should be unbanned And thx IVI hey i will make a deal if i get warning Im banned deal? just 1 warning for anything IDC what it is for and i wont even do a single ban apeal if i get banned i will just stay like that for the rest of my life until something happens or idk so what you guys say?


    #16051 Score: 0


    Yes we were mates, but by doing things such as this, I need to be serious.

    -TrialMod Shadow

    #16052 Score: 0


    but are we still mates Becuase i feel bad about what i did before so sorry 😀

    #16074 Score: 0


    So can i get more people to check this out thank you 😀


    #16076 Score: 0

    3 pts

    see ya harry, it was nice knowing you 😮

    #16077 Score: 0


    Hey hey !!! want me back or not xD

    #16078 Score: 0

    3 pts


    #16082 Score: 0


    im okay with that 😀

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 37 total)

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