Please unban me in Prison


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal Please unban me in Prison

This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  notreallyme 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #66320 Score: 0


    Why I got banned ?I’m not flying and I think a got Lag because my pc is always force restarting, sorry it wasn’t a bug when I was looking inside my minecraft files it had some problems and issues and the game wasn’t responding for the server so I am sorry and please unban me sorry for this problem and thank you for reading this

    #66321 Score: 0


    TigerPVP, I watched as you flew straight up to get to the diamond in B mine. That is not lag. Before that there had also been numerous reports of you hacking. Tell the truth please.

    #66324 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Depending on the ‘problems and issues’ in your Minecraft files, you’d not be able to load the client/launcher.
    If the game wasn’t responding to the server, you’d not be able to connect.
    Most the time, whether it be with Windows, Mac, or even Linux OS’, lag doesn’t make it look like you’re flying, it’s only really 1 or so blocks off the ground.

    Also, now that Xavier called you out, I wouldn’t try and lie again. 😛
    Honesty is the best policy, and although it could (In some cases) get you in trouble, it works out in the end better (on both sides) for everyone.

    #66325 Score: 0


    I’m really telling the truth Xav. I’m not using any hack

    #66326 Score: 0


    Then tell me, how were you floating 9 blocks above the ground in B-Mine?

    #66327 Score: 0


    I’m not floating , and I can see in my all player are floating too in 3 blocks above

    #66331 Score: 0


    And why you copied IINAIFKSA2’s ban appeal? (See “flying” topic). Sorry but its too obvious that you’re lying..

    #66332 Score: 0


    Im telling the truth that I copied his’ appeal because we have the same Problem

    #66333 Score: 0


    What are the chances of it being exactly the same? I once asked you at B. U were enchanting you items and you jumped from the top but didn’t lose any hearts at all. Normally when someone falls from the top, you shouldn’t have more than 3 hearts left and i hit you with a sharp 2 sword. When i asked you if you took any damage from falling, u claimed you had 5 left. I suggest that you tell the truth.

    And copying a ban appeal from other players shows that you did not bother to put in any effort to be unbanned.

    #66335 Score: 0


    TigerPVP is telling the truth
    we are friends, its truethat he is not flying yeah its true that he always lag coz i know his always play on his laptop
    and as i know he does’nt money to play internet cafe .. for nice pc
    so that he [play’s his laptop even though lags ..

    #66336 Score: 0


    hmmm seems a little weird generally xavier has a good sense of judgement so i do believe you must have been hacking also heard numerous rumours of you flying away from pvp but im not the one to choose good luck

    #66338 Score: 0


    Thanks for supporting me El_Reptar, you really know the truth :)

    #66340 Score: 0


    One TRUE thing I’ll tell (based on this forum):
    TigerPVP did not follow the template.

    Xavier has a good sense of judgment.

    Follow the template, I’ll ignore.
    But you didn’t.
    I think you have a lower chance of being accepted.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    #66345 Score: 0


    Dude lag only let’s you fly 1 block let’s rethink your story :)

    #66360 Score: 0


    Agreed with vsub only ever lagged and it shows you like your on a fence post
    just apologize say the truth and hope for the best bro

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