Plugin suggestion: Exp Chest


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion Plugin suggestion: Exp Chest

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  HellaFushJDM 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #17420 Score: 0


    We should get this plugin cause the other day the exp bank robbed me! it put in 28 levels and then i went to sell some farm items when i came back i only can withdrawal 19 levels it took my exp! if we have the exp chest you can craft it and use /lock so others cant open it to steal exp, please check in on this thanks!

    #17427 Score: 0


    Seconded! XP bank has robbed me of a lot of xp too. There’s no point in having a plugin that does the opposite thing it’s supposed to do. I’ve spoken to a lot of people who have had the same problem with the xp bank, at the moment xp bank is a joke. There must be something out there to remedy this problem?

    #17428 Score: 0


    1 agree. Xp bank doesnt hold xp, it just takes it and deletes some over time. but the probkem is, can people take xp from other peoples chests? Because i want the game as vanilla as possibe so there should only be one at spawn and youre not able to craft them

    #17430 Score: 0


    never trusting the exp bank! Mrshtuffs an exp chat will keep your exp safe.

    #17435 Score: 0


    The XP Bank is very unstable, only use it if you feel you would lose more if you died with the XP than if you would carry it on you. This is a common problem, I will begin working towards a solution.

    #17436 Score: 0



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