Pokemon Stadium – SuperSmash by Omega
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This topic contains 24 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Omega 11 years, 8 months ago.
Hey guys, Omega here!
Here’s the Pokemon Stadium map I was working on for our SuperSmash server. It was made by me, and I just need borncorp to eliminate the ground underneath when working with the final product. It’s really simple, but has the attributes that I think a good map should have
–No areas where players can easily camp
-Areas in which you can fly to using your feather/jump to using double jump
-A clear, wide, but obstacle-less stadium for players to easily knock others off with
Images (uploaded to Imgur)
Map Download (uploaded to Mediafire)
If you don’t find the stadium, here are the coordinates;
Signing Out,
Also, you may know that in the real game, two sides of the stadium have two different elements involved
For example, Fire vs. Water
If enough of you want it, I can try and do something like that, and it would be cool if Born could make it possible that a different arena rose every different round/deathmatch, though that’s quite optional. Currently, I can try and work on making a Earth vs. Water type of thing, in which one side is like Sand, Stone, Dirt, etc. and the other is Ice, River, etc. Tell me if ya think I should try it!
this looks bloody awesome
Thanks for the feedback guys! Keep it coming, I really appreciate it!
This is on of the most beautiful things I have ever seen anyone do in Minecraft. I think that the idea of different elements also sound cool. You have really inspired me and I think that I am going to make my own map. To sum it all up… AMAZING.
WOW Omega! This is truly amazing 😛 This could be the best Supersmash arena EVER! Its the best one I’ve ever seen! Nice job.
… Good Job Omega, You lied to me….
First of all, i told u the idea of ANOTHER server which had SUPER SMASh as well and i told u about the pokemon map…. Next, i gave u the link and server ip so u can download the map and etc. and now u said it was “all my ideas” and said i wasn’t part of this..
Hmm….. This can break what we like about each other….
OH Lol that’s what you meant
Yes, you had given me the link, and the server (which I never joined xD)
The pokemon map there was NOTHING like this, it was literally in a huge BUILDING. When I said “all my idea”, I meant the map I built. Not the one you showed me. I hated that one. Anyway, don’t get angry at me, why be enemies when friendship can always be found?
I ain’t angry… I meant that i told u the idea and told u to get the map. I know, i NEVER touch that pokemon map at all and we were in survival and i asked u to make a map, but we both said no and stopped that agreement.
I guess map is okay……, but on the bottom, i thought it was suppose to fall into the BLACK hold and die…
It is, but I had asked Born on Skype if I can make a normal map, and he can edit it out so that it’s only the floating material. I didn’t know how to make it like that
Any more feedback guys?
Feedback wanted from borncorp btw!Amazing… again…
By the way, I suggested to broncorp to add a SuperSmash server.
You are all welcome.
Thanks… again… 😛
Good job Toni
I need more feedback guys! Please do keep it coming!
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