Poll for Donors using /back to get to PvP


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  valksoar 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20064 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    OK So Hi all,
    I just wanted to do a Poll kind of thing aimed at donors
    Greg was discussing with me (via Skype) about how he died earlier on and got banned due to xXBearXx (Sorry if I did that wrong XD) using the /back command to get back to PvP in an instant, without Greg knowing, and killing him
    Please don’t just think I’m aiming it at this one particular event,
    I just wanted to see who would Vote Up/Down about Whether or not there should be a rule for Donors not being allowed to use /back to get back to Pvp…
    If they’re beyond the line to PvP, then that is unfair as the person doesn’t know whether or not the donor is going to do /back to get to PvP after dying
    I know it isn’t really any concern of mine, as I don’t PvP, but please hear me out, I can tell that this has happened before, and people won’t like it if it were to happen more often.

    Now that that is over, Goodbye all, and have a good day 😉

    #20066 Score: 0


    Vote Up , No one would get banned again cause of this sittuation

    #20067 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Can they get back to warp pvp by doing /back?

    #20075 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    I’m pretty sure that they wouldn’t be able to, and I’m currently unable to check, (due to still poopy net) I only know that it is for PvP hill, sorry that I can’t be of much help 😛

    #20157 Score: 0

    14 pts

    First of all , THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO DO /warp back ON PVP

    2nd of all, YES born, they can do /back in pvp arena

    3rd. i caught xxbearxx doing this before on pvp hill and took MILLIONS of screenshots capturing him and he admit he didn’t know.

    4. IF this is his 2nd time…. or more…. u can report that and get his /back remove ……

    #20161 Score: 0


    ok then /back if for when you die by what a creeper? or what besides pvp?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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