OK So Hi all,
I just wanted to do a Poll kind of thing aimed at donors
Greg was discussing with me (via Skype) about how he died earlier on and got banned due to xXBearXx (Sorry if I did that wrong XD) using the /back command to get back to PvP in an instant, without Greg knowing, and killing him
Please don’t just think I’m aiming it at this one particular event,
I just wanted to see who would Vote Up/Down about Whether or not there should be a rule for Donors not being allowed to use /back to get back to Pvp…
If they’re beyond the line to PvP, then that is unfair as the person doesn’t know whether or not the donor is going to do /back to get to PvP after dying
I know it isn’t really any concern of mine, as I don’t PvP, but please hear me out, I can tell that this has happened before, and people won’t like it if it were to happen more often.
Now that that is over, Goodbye all, and have a good day 😉
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