ppl +Born Corp READ THIS!
Home › Forums › Survival › Ban Appeal › ppl +Born Corp READ THIS!
This topic contains 32 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by _Zko7_ 9 years, 11 months ago.
_Sko33_ was also banned because i guess your IP matches with him.Maybe rogue considered that as bypassing
I think zko should be unbanned cuz….. Ik zko since I pvp A lot in this server & other servers he is just a fast clicker and I don’t think he is hacking or anything also everyone should get another chance and the video has no sign on zko hacking and sko wasn’t online so why is he banned ??
Every member of your family have been banned before for hacking.
Explain to me how will Eternal Craft will benefit from hackers?
Lessons were clearly not learned.
First of all, for my opinion.. We don’t know if The 3 Bros are actually hacking or not.. We just think they are hacking.
I don’t know how many chances have you received.. You’re lucky enough to even see the forums..
Both of them should be unbanned and this time, Make sure you prove to the people that you are truly a different person then you are now. If you both are still hacking, You may or may not set foot on the server ever again.
*Remember if you get unbanned but you are actually lying. You will have a different feeling when you started playing on the server and you do not earn the slot in the server..
~I think I made it abit dramatic. ;-;
I believe you shall not be banned.
If you haven’t spammed the forums and argued with Wither etc, I would say you should be unbanned.
Ander does whatever the f*** he wants as long as it isn’t breaking the rules. Is he blocked from posting here or something?
Back to the topic, as Ander Quoted, you said “HAHA YES I A M BUMMER!!” which helped, didn’t it?
“who rekt all hackers” showoff, and is useless.
“i joined since 2012 old mods respected me so do i but those new mods …. Who ignore me or what ever like this is a big proof someone told me that a someone told him to ignore me”
So basically, you’re just being rude to all EC mods. They are trying their best to respect you, but can’t, since you can’t respect them.
“and i don’t wanna say names”
And now, a list of names that Zayed said in his mod appeal
Tough luck, as I said, the number in your name represents Cristiano Ronaldo, so you won’t be unbanned. (No offense to Own7ge, once again.)
Dammit, Egyptian teens…
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
XD wither “every member of your family have been banned” including parents?
First of all, I never banned you, RiverRunner did.
Second of all, the reason I wasn’t replying to this topic was because I was asleep.
Finally, you guys were banned for hacking.
P.S. Please don’t “vote” on a ban appeal, i.e. “you should be unbanned” or “you should not be unbanned”. Unless you have evidence on why they should be banned or unbanned, there’s no reason to post these.
P.P.S. Can you explain why you guys share 15 IPs with bummer, Sko, and Zko?
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
15 ?!??! OH holly first of all my ip’s changes sometimes becuz of internet problems and last 3 days i think my ip changed again if u can notice becuz i accidentally press on the resets button on my modem even i couldn’t connect to the internet and i also travel a lot and take my pc with me so i use it on hospital / hotel / my friends house / cuzn house / etc…… and mubar also ip has been changed for his new house so i got his new ip 2 and am moving to a new house so probably it well change again and also my evidence is BO2 video i was banned for it so yeah i told all ppl who reply to watch the video first and they said there opinion i never forced anyone and thanks also am sorry i thought u banned me ( bummer + sko ) are my brother’s
#grammerThe irony!
P.S I don’t think those guys should be unbanned, like as i said in bummer’s ban appeal, brothers/sisters can just log in into their account and start hacking again.
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
Palace_Destroyer (ethanowens,Zegrilo,miniwolverineX).
Some mods like me have experience with real life issues.
Ip changes dont happen everytime you unplug your modem. I tried it my self.
WaveWare he does hack he has been BANNED before for hacking and he still does. He hasn’t learnt his lesson. Bummer anyone can turn off their hacks when asked to prove they don’t hack. That is common sense. But, alas the video wasn’t pointed towards him like trevish and the suspect said. Although it wasn’t pointed towards him, he was still in the video and rogue may have seen some suspicious activities in there that looked like hacking.
wither i didn’t plug it i reset it which deleted everything password / name of the wifi / ip ……. etc and also that’s not the only problem of changing my ip and i live in dubai which is a lot diff than US ………. and dubai is a lot different than US and i travel a lot that make since ? and at my country u can change / move to new houses as u can either move or buy new house that makes the ip change or going or visting to ur friend house …. changes ip also ….my family is big different than u guys in US ppl dose not visit there parents or cuzn or grandmother/father as ik either from ur dad’s / mothers family …… so yeah i got a lot of Ip’s and that dose not change anything cuz i dont use them to bypass or anything hope u guys understand now <3
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
Zko, it doesn’t work that way. Once you set up your router, you can turn it off, turn it on, and even change the settings, and it’ll still display the normal router info. Unless you want to delete your settings for your router every time, your router won’t do that.
Rouge ik but u guys pointing on 1 thing what about moving to a new house / going to ur cuzn house my cuzns are a lot my family is soooo big
Here’s how it goes:
Ban number one: High chance of unbanning, unless player spams/disrespects mods
Ban number 2: Small chance of appeal, spamming and disrespecting will ultimately ruin your chances 100%
Ban number 3: Little or no chance of appeal, spamming and disrespecting will kill your chances instantly
Note that being banned on another server (unless duping or threatening server) doesn’t change the chances much for another server, unless player had a bad prior record.
Well, from what I know, you’ve been banned twice before, I’ve reported you many times on survival, you ****ed up your factions ban by spamming and swearing, and then you were using hacks WHILE APPLYING FOR MOD. So once again, I do not want you to be unbanned. (Only my opinion ofc)
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
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