Pr idea, [Normal prison and Hardcore]


Home Forums Prison Feedback Pr idea, [Normal prison and Hardcore]

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  xZero_Strike 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #107414 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Normal PR (This Idea can also be implemented in Hardcore]

    We should do a Crate system, like when we mine, we have a chance to get crate keys, basically, there should be 4 types of keys ie Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic. They are common and rare depending on their names

    Hardcore Suggestion (Or Rule)

    Bypassing should NOT be allowed in any situation/case, players have bypassed Prestige ranks by mining into L mine till they Get the required amount of money needed to rankup to Free prestige or L prestige, however, This should not be allowed in Hardcore In ANY CASE . If players bypass, They get punished severely. I really really think this should be implemented, because its VERY FRIKKIN annoying when players bypass Ranks.

    #107480 Score: 0

    41 pts

    I think the random crate/key idea is a good one.

    I have no opinion on the Hardcore thing because I have no plans to get there if/when Hardcore is implemented.

    #107485 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Can you tell me more about this Idea of ours? I somewhat don’t understand on what you mean.

    #107640 Score: 0


    k niec idea m8 luv it r8 it 8/8 xD
    The first one’s Pure Gold, Da second One.. I Have nothing to say 😛 but i still think it’s a Good report thoe you got nice Aware eyes or wutever Ali. You get the point!

    #108061 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Crate idea has potential..

    About the rank bypass rule, I don’t know for sure.
    – Why I’d say no to this: The players are simply using whats available to them, doing this rank “bypass” trick is just being smart.

    – Why I’d say yes: Having to go through the ranks again, while having to work even more to rankup, extends gameplay and serves the name “hardcore” (in the current state, who knows something harder may even appear one day.)

    1st idea: Good
    2nd idea: Vote middle.

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