Prison 10mil giveaway!


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This topic contains 16 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #116494 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I promised I would do a 10mil giveaway after I reached Free+ 😉

    I’m going to do this the same way jmillz did his recent giveaway. (Full credit to jmillz for the idea).

    Today, I’m going bowling with some of my family. Whoever guesses the closest to my score gets 10mil. Note: I’m having a horrible year bowling this year XD

    Follow this template:

    Why you need the money (OTHER than “I want to rank up”):

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  AnderZENZ. Reason: Added a thing
    #116497 Score: 0


    Name: takoballball
    Rank: No Idea
    Why you need the money: I don’t

    Score: 2 (Yes i know how bowling is played. Don’t try to be a smartass)

    #116498 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Tako, I’m not that bad, but okay 😛

    #116499 Score: 0


    Alright, Ander, where are the ‘numbers’?

    Name: melee49

    Rank: P8-Free (Progress is approximately 79.1% to P9-L)

    Score: 150 (Half the Perfect Score) :)

    Why you need the money: Exams are killing me -.-

    Also, I would prefer if you do explain how bowling is played, or I can do it for you, right here:


    There are usually 24 lanes in a bowling alley, the first 4 usually has a gutter-free option (clearly its for children or rookies… Professionals don’t use this, I expect Ander to not use this as well)

    Bowlers roll a ball along a smooth floor coated with lubricating oil to hit as many as 10 pins at once, converted into points. If all 10 pins are knocked down, a strike is award and the frame is complete, otherwise 1 more roll is required. 2 rolls are the max, if all remaining pins are knocked down on the 2nd roll, a Spare is awarded instead.

    There are 10 frames, first 9 have 2 rolls, the 10th may have up to 3, the 3rd as a bonus roll, as a filler for Strikes and Spares.

    How do we score? Scoring is complicated, be warned.

    Bowling has a unique scoring system. There are 3 types of frames, Strikes, Spares and open.

    An open frames is scored just by total pins knocked down. Strikes and Spares get bonuses.

    A spare duplicates the number of pins knocked down in the next roll while a Strike duplicates the number of the entire next frame.

    Special Names – 2 consecutive strikes is usually called a double, 3 consecutive strikes is usually called a turkey

    Examples (Strikes):

    Frame 1, ball 1: 10 pins (strike)
    Frame 2, ball 1: 3 pins
    Frame 2, ball 2: 6 pins
    The total score from these throws is: Frame one: 10 + (3 + 6) = 19
    Frame two: 3 + 6 = 9
    Total = 28

    A double’s pinfall is:

    Frame 1, ball 1: 10 pins (Strike)
    Frame 2, ball 1: 10 pins (Strike)
    Frame 3, ball 1: 9 pins
    Frame 3, ball 2: 0 pins (recorded as a dash ‘-‘ or ‘0’ on the scoresheet) The total score from these throws is:
    Frame one: 10 + (10 + 9) = 29
    Frame two: 10 + (9 + 0) = 19
    Frame three: 9 + 0 = 9
    Total = 57

    A turkey’s pinfall is:

    Frame 1, ball 1: 10 pins (Strike)
    Frame 2, ball 1: 10 pins (Strike)
    Frame 3, ball 1: 10 pins (Strike)
    Frame 4, ball 1: 0 pins (Gutterball)
    Frame 4, ball 2: 9 pins
    The total score from these throws is:
    Frame one: 10 + (10 + 10) = 30
    Frame two: 10 + (10 + 0) = 20
    Frame three: 10 + (0 + 9) = 19
    Frame four: 0 + 9 = 9
    Total = 78

    Example (Spares):
    Frame 1, ball 1: 7 pins
    Frame 1, ball 2: 3 pins (spare)
    Frame 2, ball 1: 4 pins
    Frame 2, ball 2: 2 pins
    The total score from these throws is: Frame one: 7 + 3 + 4 (bonus) = 14
    Frame two: 4 + 2 = 6
    Total = 20

    A player who bowls a spare in the tenth (final) frame is awarded one extra ball to allow for the bonus points.

    The most points that can be scored in a single frame is 30 points (10 for the original strike, plus strikes in the two subsequent frames).

    Fun Fact – The maximum score in a game of ten-pin bowling is 300, scored by making 12 strikes in a row.

    How do we determine the winner?

    The highest score wins, obviously…


    3 Types of Frames:

    Open, add all scores

    Spare, add all scores + duplicate next roll score

    Strike, add all scores + duplicate next frame score

    Highest Score wins

    Hope this helps everyone to understand how bowling is played in such a way that everyone will make educated guesses…

    After a long winded explanation, everyone is probably tired, chill lax and enjoy SGDQ 2015 instead at:

    #116505 Score: 0


    I forgot some stuffs

    More info @

    #116510 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Okay, so apparently there was a party at the bowling alley today..

    Also, we’re going Candle Pin Bowling, not 10-pin bowling

    We rescheduled for tomorrow.

    #116513 Score: 0

    10 pts

    Name: vishu101
    Rank : F
    Score : 64

    #116535 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Rank: I
    Why I need the money: Because I am too skrub

    #116536 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Name: Rogue_Art
    Rank: Free (the rank after L, no prestige)
    Why I need the money: Going from Free to P1 is quite difficult. You don’t have any of the good gear found in higher prestige ranks, nor do you have the buffs from ranking up. I need the money so I can get started and achieve at least Prestige1 before starting my journey to Prestige5 or higher.

    Score: 67

    #116619 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Can someone please close this topic? Tq.

    #116766 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ Would be preferred, so no one enters this in 3 months.

    #116767 Score: 0


    Name: ChillzKillz99
    Rank: P7 L
    Reason: Plssssss
    Number: 71

    #116768 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ Since that was obviously playful, I don’t care about that one xD

    #117819 Score: 0



    #118158 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Don’t close this topic, I’m gonna host more events on this in the future

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