Prison Ideas!!!!


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This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Rogue_Art 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #74312 Score: 0


    Hello guys I come to you ,today or tonight or whenever your timezone brings you to read this, with some, in my opinion, wonderful ideas! First off I’d like to mention that they are both donor related ideas!

    -First off I’d like to bring up Real money for ingame cash in prison! We have a donor slot like that for survival why not make it for Prison where people are more likely to buy it to rank up quicker! I know for a fact that if this gets implemented I’d donate TONS of money! I don’t know many people who have donated in SV to get the 100k for a buck thingy but I know plenty of people will donate to get 100k for a buck in prison! I would I’d donate probably $20 at a time!

    -Second IDEA! I’m thinking another kit for Emerald Donors only! Have it called /kit emeralddonor2 it would be the same as /kit emeralddonor in time wise meaning you are only allowed to get it once a day. Now let me get to what this Kit SHOULD give you! I’m thinking a God AXE! Efficiency 5 Unbreaking 3 or 4… Now before you say no to that because of how OP it will be because of the fire thing just think about it! With it being so OP players are going to want to donate large sums of money to the server to become this Emerald rank to get this God Axe! I know I’d continuously renew my emerald to keep getting this amazing axe! So it’s a win win for everyone! Players will be getting an Op AXE and an Op Pickaxe once a day. Not only that but they’d be helping keep the server running by donating to become Emerald! And no I’m not just coming up with this idea because I’m Emerald Donor… I came up with this idea one day when I made the Rank A Woodaxe and I saw how much it sucked for the amount of materials it took to make it.

    Just some ideas of mine that I think would make a GREAT change to the Prison server! I also think that these could possibly have a chance of bringing more players to the prison server once they find out that they would be able to donate real money for 100k ingame! I think most would be overjoyed to hear that there are quicker and easier ways of ranking up! With a cost ofcourse! 😉 Leave your comments below on what you think about these 2 ideas! Who knows if we get enough positive feedback those could be the next 2 big updates! I hope so! Let me know guys!

    #74314 Score: 0


    1st idea: It’s a great way to keep the server going, also helps people when in need of cash. But if a players repeatedly buy in-game cash to rank up, it will end up losing the purpose of this game.

    2nd idea: Great suggestion. Fire is great, but rank axes aren’t really very good. So for emerald donors, they deserve better axes than what we are using. However, players can repair their god axe or make god axe by combining lower enchantment axes, so they may only buy emerald donor once and that’s it. Try with efficiency more than 5 and unbreaking more than 3. So anviling it will actually downgrade the enchantment. Thus they will continuously buy emerald donor to keep that axe.

    #74319 Score: 0


    From the prison server i also play (one of the best and biggest) have donor cells =, make them huge and customisable, a big donor area, donor mines farms, and mods should be like wardens take swords away if they see em out.

    #74322 Score: 0

    I like both ideas, but I think God Tools shouldn’t be kits, but rather as buycraft toolkits. Think about it: two weeks of Emerald Donor = 14 days = 14 God Picks and Axes. Too OP?

    #74324 Score: 0


    -1st idea : Hmm… Well let’s take the example of 100k in-game money. A player ( let’s call him X ) bought 100k in-game money. X is rank D . With this money he would be able to pass D rank and would have the approximate money to pass C rank to arrive to B! So, it would end up losing the purpose of the game like JiaZheng said.

    -2nd idea: God axes may be a good idea 😉 But we would do it so they can get the pickaxe in one day and in the other an axe. So @RichardIvan it wouldn’t be that Op 😛 .
    @JiaZheng2707 Sure, just like the pickaxe.
    @MitroFlow Please if you wanna tell us prison ideas to be implemented don’t replie to topics, just make a new one :) Anyways Mitro, donor cells … maybe but it’s not that good idea since i think the regular cells are good enough . Donor area? Please specify, Donor mines already exist, Farms would be useless. Before swords were forbidden but mods decided to keep them 😛
    ExpertMod AgentLOLz_

    #74326 Score: 0


    So Like Agent Said
    1st Idea is SUPER op Wont be Dont because Example Someone can pay $30 and get 3Mil And Go From D to G that is Crazy

    and 2nd Idea i was talking with mods about it But if we will do it it wont be A GOD axe maybe semi-god exmaple eff 4 unbr 3 like That
    Anyway Thanks or your Ideas Kevin we would like to see More IDEAS :)

    ~ExpertMod EpicnessFilms

    #74598 Score: 0


    well i the first idea as some of the players above said the server will lose its own purpose.
    The second idea is good. 😀

    #74661 Score: 0



    #74665 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I think the first idea should be nerfed. Like 1 dollar for 50k or 25k, so even if you buy 100 of those, you’d get only 2.5 mil, I mean, for a price of 133 dollars, 2.5 mil seems a bit fair. And this might cause a speed spurt for D – C, C – B, but after B, you’d need to buy 8 of these to level up, and for A, it’d take like… 40 of these, so I think that’d be way more fair.

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