Prison Ideas


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Waveware 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #103706 Score: 0

    5 pts

    We should be able to rename our stuff with colours using /rename, Which will cost money(like 1mil) or ALOT(Like 100) of xp lvls.

    2)BM/Plotshop Announcements
    We should be able to make announcements like “Sell at this Shop” or “Sell at this Plot” And stuff and again it will cost money.’

    3)Plot tp
    We should be able to do /p tp <name>.

    Thats it.

    #103708 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah, or enable /p home (Player name)

    #103715 Score: 0


    Good idea,it can be a feature of Free+ and maybe it should cost 50k(Because it’s just a rename)

    No.I disagree about this.This will cause the server to be spammy with annoucement but something which will be great is that there is a Notice Board at spawn or in BM where players can advertise their BM’s(or donors only) and to go there ,there is instant tp

    Again a Free+ or Donor feature that should be added

    #103725 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I love all of them! 😀

    #2 Is good I’ve seen this on many many Prison servers before and they are damm good.
    And no they are not spammy becuase if they do spam them a player can report he / she. Or a mod can warn / mute he / she.

    #103727 Score: 0

    2 pts

    1. just something that is kind of useless, i guess maybe a prestige Free + but not for everybody, plus with that comes people who will rename stuff inappropriately, and that will cause problems for sure.

    2. too much spam, if you want to advertise your shop advertise in main chat.

    3. mabey for Prestige ranks, because that would be a good insensitive to get people to go threw.

    thanks for giving us ideas tho, even if they get denied if you keep throwing us ideas im sure that one or two of them will be added :)

    #103734 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I agree on this but I think they’ll make this a donor perk as well. as for inappropriate names they can be changed by any admin or reported by someone.

    The BM advertisement thing (I think) works the same as the normal announcements, meaning that they will be regulated so they can’t be spammy at all. Also, advertising it on the announcement will not be cheap and the team would probably make it a donor only perk because they are lacking in that section.

    Plot tp is people being lazy :(

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