Prison Mod Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Prison Mod Application

This topic contains 27 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #103406 Score: 0


    In-game names used: VurnKambal
    Experience: I’ve played in EternalCracked but now EternalCraft for 3 years and I played with my friend SquirtleTriesMC that is now an admin. I’ve been making plugins and mods for servers. I owned 3 server so I know all commands and plugins that EternalCraft use. I’m always friendly to those who I met so we can be friends and we won’t fight. I’ve built School, Cops & Robbers in my plot with my twin and SquirtleTriesMC in Creative. I’ve been making a map in my server if I have time. I make machines and redstone stuff that will be helpful to others. I’ve like to help others sometimes but some dont like my help.
    The Server you are applying for: Prison
    How Often you are Online: Everyday when we dont go out of house
    Why you want to become mod: I wanna be a mod so I can help players if they need and answer questions that they wanna know about the server or how to play. I wanna help the server to be more popular and make it better.

    #103414 Score: 0

    13 pts

    If you played for three years, how come I’ve never seen you?

    #103416 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Your name is familiar, however, it sounds like:

    1. You are ex-lurer in Survival
    2. You don’t seem to be active between the 3 years.

    #103418 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote down

    Positives: Eh, mod app is decent, I’ll give you that much


    1. Lies in mod app, I doubt you played here 3 years

    2. Welcome to the forums..

    3. I’ve seen you get warned in the few times you’ve been online

    4. New to server

    5. Irrelevent info in mod app, what you’ve built in creative doesn’t matter to you prison mod app

    6. Inexperienced

    7. Overall, you don’t deserve the rank

    Constructive feedback: This is some wisdom for you: I highly suggest you take this mod app down, and then get active in the forums, help people ingame, be active ingame.

    #103423 Score: 0

    41 pts

    You registered on the 22nd of September 2013 (Survival), so unless you have an unlisted account, then you’re lying.
    I don’t even remember ever seeing you.
    Registered on the 1st of April 2015 (Prison) and were last online on the 14th of April 2015 – quick look at your /player.

    I’m going to have to say Vote down.

    #103426 Score: 0



    Positives: You Look experienced, helpful, and a cool guy :D.
    Negatives: Poor Mod app, You’re not active, and never seen you helping, Inactive on forums.

    Anyways as your Mod app says though you seem that you helped the server in some way, but I’ve never seen you report or help the Prison community in-game.

    Good Luck :)

    #103567 Score: 0


    I’m new in the server in the same year when SquirtleTriesMC is new
    And I dont online so much last time but now I online everyday. And I’m saying eternalcraft not prison. Ask SquirtleTriesMC if I lie

    #103568 Score: 0


    And I helped some guys last time when I am always active last time

    #103569 Score: 0


    Hyou just dont know and I never lie

    #103570 Score: 0


    And I never got warned btw but I remember i got warned for spamming because of lag

    #103571 Score: 0


    Btw I have a large chest in my plot that i put in my first year in this server as proof. And I cant remove it because its banned

    #103572 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Stop spamming your mod app…….

    #103573 Score: 0


    Btw I forgot not 3 years but 2 years

    #103574 Score: 0

    2 pts

    For crying out loud stop spamming your mod app. You could have put all those replies into one reply.

    #103577 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote down

    Negative:In-experienced like really… 2 years of playing and you dont know what are ranked craftings like shivs and etc?
    Inactive in game and forums
    Dont see you helping
    Lets see… I doubt a player who played here for 3 years have trouble with crafting and etc
    New to forums
    New to ec
    Lied in mod app about the 3 years
    Ok own 3 servers? Nice lie and fantasy shows your immature
    Ive been here for quite a while and i have NEVER seen you online except for a few weeks back
    You should explain more why you want to be a mod… From what i can see you made up the reasons
    Why? Because i became a mod
    -Thinks you could do a good job
    -thinks you will get privileges which you wont
    -Might for abusing (this might be a bit too far but who knows)
    So overall you arent ready…

    -Prison Mod Ender243

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  InfectedEnder.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  InfectedEnder. Reason: Lots of typos sorry for spam with edits
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