Prison Mod Application


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This topic contains 27 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)
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  • #103580 Score: 0


    I’m not lying I really make 3 servers but i dont own it and just ask sqirtletriesmc if Inwas saying the truth or not because he is my friend

    #103581 Score: 0


    And I’m old in Eternal Cracked that ie now EternalCrafy

    #103582 Score: 0


    And I’m old in Eternal Cracked that is now EternalCraft

    #103583 Score: 0


    You dont believe me because you dont just see me what i do. Just ask SquirtleTriesMC,my friend that is admin

    #103584 Score: 0


    Bte ender dont think your mod and you can do that to me. BTW your a bad mod because wll I say is true and you said its a lie and a fantasy

    #103585 Score: 0


    Why dont you believe me D:

    #103588 Score: 0


    @VurnKambal I believe you but, if you stop replying this topic for a day. :)

    For now, I’ll give a Vote Middle

    Positives : An old EC player

    Negatives : Not known throughout the server.

    #103590 Score: 0


    I’d like to clear something here…
    VurnKambal is an old player and not a new one.He has been inactive for more than a year(I don’t know the reason).

    @Ender from what you said about the “made up reasons” are you sure this is what you see from him and not from you?

    “Because I became a mod” are you boasting of what you achieved and what he hadn’t?

    “Nice lie and “fantasy”” clearly states of being rude which should not be tolerated.

    @VurnKambal You are not allowed to spam replies on your mod app.There is an edit button that lets you edit your posts to avoid creating new replies.

    This is Wave talking (since I don’t want to spam the server)

    @ender “Ok own 3 servers? Nice lie and fantasy shows your immature” ok, these two sentence here is disgusting. If I say I owned 3 servers to you guys, you’ll believe me. Why? Because I’m have some experience and you’ve seen it. But I haven’t. This brings me to how do you know this player has NOT made a Minecraft server? Did you do research on him or did you just ASSUME that he was a dumb noob? Anything this 2 sentence shows is your ignorance, Ender

    I actually remember when I saw him. It was 2013 and I just got my first pro4 kit (so happy) and then went to the pvphill and he killed me :( So he did play back then.

    “You should explain more why you want to be a mod… From what i can see you made up the reasons
    Why? Because i became a mod” I think I know what I would say for your next app. This sentence is ignorance again. The reasons are ok but they are reasons and how do you know that this guy is lying?

    “Lets see… I doubt a player who played here for 3 years have trouble with crafting and etc” sooooo, can you craft me a blue banner with a flower symbol and a red brick colour for the background and then put a Mojang symbol at the end? and craft it WITHOUT using any outside sources and use your memory. Only a handful of people can probably craft that the rest is clueless. Why would you need to memorize the crafting for ranked shivs anyways? Just tell the people that asked to buy the book, since you are telling a book only crafting recipe

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  Waveware.
    #103596 Score: 0

    1 pt

    You guys can’t really decide whether or not he’s lying about his experience, or how long he’s been on the server. Only mods have a say about that.

    Vote Down simply because you couldn’t follow simple instructions, which is that you are not allowed to post multiple replies on your topic in a short time period, which could be shrink-ed into one.

    This simply suggests that:
    – You either can not follow simple instructions.
    – Or your English isn’t decent enough to be able to communicate properly with other players.

    #103600 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Guys. Fellow the voting temp.

    Vote down

    -Just came back to the server no more then a month ago.
    -Just came back to the forums.
    -Inactive on the forums.
    -Inactive in game
    -Don’t have good of english
    -Don’t talk much in main chat

    +You was here for a few years now. But just now came back.
    +Nice guy and I seen you before
    +friendly to players

    Good luck. 😉

    #103647 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I’m just gonna simply vote down:
    Positives: You have been here for three years on EC but not really on prison much.
    Negatives: Where to begin
    -I have never at all seen you in the forums or even in Prison
    -You apparently do not know to not spam your Mod App for it isn’t respectful at all to the community.
    -Considering I haven’t seen you online, I haven’t seen you help players.

    If you do become a mod, make sure to help the community and be active.

    Best of luck,

    #103660 Score: 0

    1 pt

    ok i may be wrong but it was my opinion squirtle since you corrected me i believe him but i still think he doesnt deserve a mod rank considering the amount of spam and useless comments he has made

    and vurn i am fine with people hating on me :) its all part of being a mod

    and if you cant tolerate people not believing or hating you arent ready. im not being harsh or anything but im just saying

    #109369 Score: 0

    2 pts


    You can retry in 3 months.

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