+Active on-forums
+You were more active before, I don’t see you active as much now-days, You just come and leave.
+Used to report
+Knows the Community
-Seen you apply for almost for every server, and tbh I think you’re doing this for just the “Rank”
-Haven’t see you helping lately
-Doesn’t report much lately
-Your reason that you stated in your Mod app to become a Mod doesn’t convince me tbh, and you can easily report to Mods on skype to mute or warn someone.
-You have a bad history in Ec
-I’ve seen that you report about the smallest details that don’t deserve a warn on, when you could just ignore the player.
-I think you still need time
Good Luck.
I might change my vote depending on if you fix the stuff stated above ^^
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
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