Prison Mod Apply! -Tavon1924


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Prison Mod Apply! -Tavon1924

This topic contains 77 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BananaKing105 9 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 3 posts - 76 through 78 (of 78 total)
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  • #106504 Score: 0


    Changing vote**
    Vote down

    – Arrogant
    – Stubborn
    – Acts like a mod in the forums
    – Horrible grammar
    – Leonard has free access to your Skype and your account. If I were to tell you something extremely important in Skype, leonard would know it, and he could possibly put us in jeopardy.
    – Contrary to others, you seem to be very hotheaded. You can easily jump from being fine to ultra-rage mode.
    – Refuses to report in Skype. If there is someone needing to be banned or penalized, you can’t just make a forums post to ask a couple guards/admins for help.
    – All the reasons can be achieved by members. Majority does not mean that you are the best
    – Helpful in the wrong way; you assume that you are a mod, and try to do mod things as a member. This makes me kinda angry especially when a mod is already helping the player.
    – I think you’re doing this for the “rank”, and not for the role. You’ve applied in almost every branch to try to get mod.
    (idk on this vote) Extremely active (Yet it’s really bad for your health.)
    – Experienced
    – Only 1 warn in SV, and you have about 5 on prison
    Side note:
    So I think as of now I’m not one.
    You’ve been really suspicious during the entire thing. Mods called you out for bow hacks, and you responded with AimBot. When I asked for proof, you gave me none. And now you’re saying that you “think” that you’re not a hacker. So you have hacks, but you just don’t think you have them?

    #106505 Score: 0


    Vote down
    – Rude
    – Arrogant
    – Stubborn
    – Leo has access to your accounts
    – Helpful in the wrong way; you assume that you are a mod, and try to do mod things as a member. This makes me kinda angry especially when a mod is already helping the player
    – Can be disrespectful
    – Has been accused of hacking
    – “So I think as of now I’m not one.”
    Many people are saying you hack and you saying you THINK you are not a hacker. You either are one or you arent. A mod should NEVER hack. That would look awful for our community if we let someone who hacks on the team.
    Only Positive

    – Active on forums

    #106506 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Denied. try again in 3 months

Viewing 3 posts - 76 through 78 (of 78 total)

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