Prison Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Prison Moderator Application

This topic contains 45 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #78100 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Hey its me the yellow curved fruit 😉 Banana, im here to attempt to apply for a spot in prison :)

    In-game names: Banana_ (only username)
    Experience: i have played prison on a few other servers so i know what prison is pretty well. Ive been playing minecraft for almost 2 years, and ive been on EC almost a year. I know the crafting recipe’s, and basically everything there is to know about minecraft (ive even met herobrine). I have created a private server and tested out the prison plugin, so i know most of the prison commands, and how it works. Im also rank B
    The Server you are applying for: Prison
    How Often you are Online: Me? im online about 2-4 hours a day during the week, and about 3-9 hours on weekends :). (some exceptions some days because of school exams and such)
    Why you want to become mod: You should pick me as a mod because im one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Im very outgoing and love to help people(i guess its a hobby). I notice sometimes when i am on prison, I must ask a questions about 2-3 three times before it gets answered(not trying to offend the Prison team at all), but sometimes I just ask stuff and it doesnt get answered, thats where i come in, I will answer all those in need of help in game and in chat(mostly chat, because isnt that what trial is?), i will deal with spammers, people using foul language, CAPS users, and just disrespectful people overall. I am liked by most people, oh did i mention im funny ;)(bonus). I know you may not need someone to deal with chat all the time, but i can help with people struggling with in game things also :).

    So give me some feedback on why i should or shouldn’t become a moderator on prison, all feedback is appreciated.

    -If your ever hungry, DON’T eat a banana c;

    #78101 Score: 0


    Vote up
    Banana for mod 😀

    #78103 Score: 0


    @DanielGamer1999 you need to state reasons for your vote

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  ZznabelaA.
    #78109 Score: 0


    Vote up
    I truly believe that excellent series banana moderator because it always helped me to me and my friends. I think it would comply with the rules to the letter.
    sorry for my english use google translator

    #78110 Score: 0

    5 pts

    thanks daniel 😀

    #78113 Score: 0


    Vote up
    – U believe your good
    -Ur active on the forums
    -srry son but plz read a book sometimes that gaming time doe

    #78120 Score: 0

    5 pts

    thanks for you vote, but what kinda gif is that ohmy.

    #78122 Score: 0


    😛 its amazing isnt it

    #78125 Score: 0


    It’s the Old Spice commercial lol

    Vote up

    -Good attitude

    Don’t know much more than that about you on Prison :/

    #78128 Score: 0

    5 pts

    thanks pirate :3

    #78135 Score: 0


    Vote up

    #78151 Score: 0

    7 pts

    -“I know the crafting recipe’s”

    Lies D: I don’t think anyone can memorize all the crafting recipes of prison, all that weapons and other stuff.

    Look! An error ‘recipe’s’

    -“tested out the prison plugin, so i know most of the prison commands, and how it works”

    I do believe you know how it works, but usually servers have different things on the configurations, they don’t always use the default configuration.

    -“im online about 2-4 hours a day during the week, and about 3-9 hours on weekends”

    I hope you can manage your time for CR too.

    -“You should pick me as a mod”

    Y u iz burglar D:

    -“DON’T eat a banana”

    Potatoes, cookies, and now bananas? D: I must be going bananas D:

    #78153 Score: 0

    14 pts

    @Banana_ You don’t need to reply to every comment.

    #78235 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Max, at that point I was stating what I know about vanilla minecraft, I agree with you, theres probably only a couple people out there who can remember them all, and if your one of those people good for you :)

    Also I know how prison works, I didnt say I know how to use srm, i know bassicaly how to use srm and its commands needed for prison. I know the commands needed for all the other plugins also.

    I will try my best to manage time between servrers, as most moderators who are moderators on multiple servers.

    The whole you should pick me as a mod thing was just a mix up between templates because I believe the other servers templates say “why should we pick you as a mod”

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  BananaKing105.
    #78254 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote Up
    -Ive never see you on prison but im pretty sure its because of timezones cause i see you active a lot on forums
    -Your friendly (u may be asking how u know if u never see him online on prison, well hes friendly on forums)
    -hes very nice (again on forums)
    -has good experience

    Thx 😀

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