Prison Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Prison Moderator Application

This topic contains 12 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Author
  • #105029 Score: 0

    13 pts

    In-Game Name:

    Waveware, Oceaware, Truant


    As some of you would know, I am currently an administrator role in both Minigames and Factions. Not to mention that I was also a moderator in SV and another server that will not be named. I have quite a widespread experience in moderating and Minecraft itself, as being a player for almost 3 years. I am really good at spotting hackers, although I wouldn’t need to yet during the first rank but I will moderate the chat to the best of my abilities .Besides that, I have recently been organizing my time for prison and has been active there, trying to rank-up to know more about prison itself and building my kick-*** plot. H is my current prison rank.

    Server you are applying for: Prison
    How often are you online: I am online from 3-10pm roughly everyday and can receive Skype messages at all times. My Timezone is Australia/Adelaide Time Zone.

    Why do you want to become mod:

    As we all know, the server has been having a shortage of mods as a whole. I also think that I’m capable of having many roles in the server, like buildings and of course by moderating with good judgements. As a HeadMod in Factions, I have been one of the main thinkers. This results in the artistic head rushes I’ve had, ideas and suggestions to improve the server. I won’t make this application too long to prevent people from skim reading.I believe that by having an opportunity to do something helpful, I shan’t waste it.

    If you are about to vote please follow the template:

    Vote: (down, up, or middle)
    Negative/Positive criticism: (what you do (not) like about what this player is doing)
    (If there is any)Constructive feedback: (what the player could improve to become a better candidate)
    (Optional) Any other things you would like to say:

    If you vote up, it tells me to keep up what I am doing right
    If you vote down, it tells me areas that I have to improve on.
    Please be honest when voting, Thank you :)

    #105032 Score: 0


    Vote up:

    #105033 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I have no idea who is this guy but

    Vote UP

    +Hard Worker

    #105035 Score: 0


    I know you man ! I feel ya but I’ll ask , some
    People tells me that you hated me that much in survival
    And I hope You’ll be good to me coz I didn’t do anything wrong with you
    but honestly Your Good man ! I got a full heart trust on you :) So I support you

    Vote up

    () active
    ()hardworking and most of all
    () Trustworthy

    #105047 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote up Positive
    +Nice in game
    +Helps when needed
    +Active on the forums
    There is one thing. Negative
    You are not so active in game from what I see.
    Good luck. :)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  2Federal.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  2Federal.
    #105058 Score: 0




    +Active in-game 100% Because I do see him at least once a day.
    +Active on-forums
    +Experienced since HeadMod in facs.
    +Gr8 Mod App
    +Reason is kinda good.
    +I think you know about everything in Prison now.
    +I think you will assist the Prison Mod Team in many ways.

    Negatives: Doesn’t Report Much.

    Feedback: Good Luck :) I hope you receive the best out of this Mod App and try reporting more :D.

    #105074 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Not sure if it’s timezones or so, but I don’t see you online much at all ._.

    #105125 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Vote Up:
    -Start Reporting
    Note; I think you’d be a great addition. :)

    #105131 Score: 0


    Vote up!
    +Good mod app
    +Active on forums

    Good Luck!

    #105132 Score: 0


    Vote Middle

    Positives :


    Negatives :

    -I don’t really remember how many times I have met you on PR..

    Good Luck m8!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  Beast.
    #106755 Score: 0


    vote down he aint mutch on the server

    #106758 Score: 0

    Vote Up
    -He Got Exp And Skillz from his old exp and Records
    -He Is Friendly
    -He Is Active On Forums
    -Good Mod App
    -other reasons are stated above

    #107605 Score: 0

    2 pts

    You will be contacted soon.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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