Prison Plugin and Idea Suggestion


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  • #97559 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Ok, so first off i would like to see these ideas/plugins to be put on EC, if the players like the ideas. So first i will start with ideas.


    Idea #1:
    I would like to see Ores to be in wood mines. Now i know this would be “OP” i guess, but there are ways that we could balance it out. In each mine, make it only the ores available in that mines mine. I.E. Rank D WoodMine make it ONLY iron and coal. Another way to balance it out, make ores more rare in the wood mine then in regular mine.

    Idea #2
    Possibly a /kit daily /kit weekly and /kit monthly
    Like i can see why this would be OP i guess, but make /kit weekly and /kit monthly only accessible by users F+
    /kit daily: Just mabey an iron pick
    /kit weekly: a diamond pick
    /kit monthly: a diamond eff 3 unb 2 pick

    Idea #3
    a new /kit starter
    i mean they are new to the server do they really want a wood pick?? like they only have to mine 2 pieces of wood for it its just kind of useless. so it should be a stone pick, so instead of making a stone pick from the wood pick they already have it. and it should also come with some food, mabey like 8 bread.


    Plugin #1
    ah, guishop.
    what such a easy way to sell stuff! ever get annoyed when your inventory gets full and you half to leave the mine to sell your stuff? well now you don’t! just type /shop in and sell your stuff on the go! i believe this is the plugin that is on factions, so the plugin is not new for the server. the only downfall with this plugin is that it removes need for each rank’s shop. well what we could do is remove all the signs and put up mabey 3 signs with the command /shop on them, so that we can keep them.

    Plugin #2
    this plugin would be usefull for a couple of reasons.
    1. It disables a bit of lag, so no items would be fallen on the flore, but instead strait into your inventory.
    2. Ever get annoyed because somebody is complaining about lost items? items that they broke but “didn’t” get? well with this plugin, it goes strait into thier inventory so no more to complain about!

    Plugin #3
    so gangs aye? i know this has been a plugin has been suggested many many times, but here it is again. With the new headmods being in affect i don’t know mabey it will be installed. all this bascically does is players can create a gang, and add people to it. then they can do is /clan and it shows thier clans KDR, Kills, and Deaths!

    Time to Rap things up!
    So I hope you concider these suggestions for prison, and really any of the other servers if needed!
    Thanks for reading!


    #97562 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Nope, Factions doesn’t use GUI shop. Nice suggestions

    #97567 Score: 0


    Too Op

    I think that’s a cool idea for prison but your ideas are too op. Wood mines are only for woods.

    Putting ores in it will probably change it’s name.


    These kits that you suggested also affects rank D

    /Kit daily is too ‘OP’ as rank D are supposed to get iron gear and tools by themselves.

    /Kit weekly is again, too OP for rank Ds. Rank D were only supposed to use iron gear & tools until they rank up to B. But for Rank B+ it’s good.

    /Kit monthly A pickaxe with enchantments is supposed to be a hard thing to get. Eff 3 + Unbr 2 is also too ‘OP’ for Rank Ds.


    GUIshop is a good idea for prison. I don’t think anyone would dissagree with this plugin.

    PersonalPickup I kinda dissagree with this one. No one can actually have fun trolling people anymore with this pluggin.

    Gang I wanna be one of them!

    That’s what I can say for your suggestions.
    Thanks for reading it ^


    #97571 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Idea #1
    Too Op. Why? Because it takes out the role of D wood mine that’s why it’s called D wood mine to just mine wood.

    Idea #2
    I don’t like this idea much because it’s no use for it at all.
    Getting Iron ores/ ingots is easy in D I can rankup in there in 30mins to a hour if so.
    Then don’t forget we have fire as well so it’s really easy to rankup to D to C.

    Idea #3
    I don’t like this idea as well because when you join the Ec, Prison server. You spawn with food and a wood pick and all you need is some wood and some cobb and there you have your self a stone pick. Is that really hard to do?

    Plugin #1 I will have to agree with Max, on that.

    Plugin #2

    I think Prison, is not ryd for something like that tbh…
    Because there is not that many ppl who just take your ores… But only D rankers or higher do that.. But in bigger ranks? No.

    I’ll do rest of my votes later.

    #97580 Score: 0

    2 pts

    for the /kit weekly and /kit monthly for Rank F+. and eff 3 unb 2 isn’t that OP at all, concidering if your donor you can just /warp dshop and enchant every time you have 30 levels (usually 10 times a day if you try) so i feel like there should be a way for them to get enchanted weapons.
    Thanks for the feedback on the suggestions

    #97597 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Idea #1- That could be good to make wood mines worth while other than for building materials.

    Idea #2- Factions

    Idea #3- Factions

    Plugin #1- Factions

    Plugin #2- this plugin is discontinued and outdated (1.6.2 latest), 0/10

    Plugin #3- Pretty cool and is basically a organised fight plugin, 7/10

    #97600 Score: 0


    I love some of your ideas..

    1. Well, For Idea 1 it’s not a good idea, why? Because we already have a wood mine and an ore mine.. You see if we put ores in the wood mine it wont be a wood mine anymore..

    2. Seems like a good idea I like it, but it’s already in facs so maybe.
    3. True.. Iron pickaxe would be good.. Stone ti still bad though..

    For The Plugins:

    1. I’m okay with it..
    2. It will not be added why? I’ve suggested it to Dark and Trollyolo and they liked it, but there’s a problem with it let me tell you what it is..

    Problem 1 The Gang plugin got removed from bukkit and I’d love to see gangs in Prison, but it got removed..

    Problem 2 I know they added the clan plugin, but that’s the same as facs.. You see Trollyolo actually told me that when I suggested it.. So unfortunately the suggestion for clans might not be added anytime soon, it’s about the same as facs..

    I love the suggestions :)

    #97603 Score: 0


    Nice suggestions jmillz but

    #idea 1 : i don’t see that it’s a good idea bcs wood mines are for wood and the other mines for ores and ( the block of each server )

    #idea 2 : it’s a good idea but i think the items need to be changed, kit daily is not good. It can be with another way : If u logged in each day for a week u get a gift like u said a diamond pick or any thing the mods want it and for logging in for a month a big gift like ench tools or some fire or … And each rank has his reward and it can be money also why not πŸ˜›

    #idea 3 :I think new players don’t need food bcs they have pig spawner (from the last time i played on prison ) and for the tool hmm… it’s not difficult to get three cobble stone and break one wood to get sticks and make a stone pick. But nice idea

    #plugin 1 : it’s an excellent plugin bcs it will be easier and also for buying food .It can be another plugin like in SV just do /sell (item ) and tra the items are sold. Good idea

    #plugin 2 : it’s a very good idea why not ? but if u wanna give someone something how u will make it ? and also it maybe has some glitches but good idea if there are not glitches or bugs

    #plugin 3 : These clans will be so good I want so much this plugin in Prison

    Nice suggestions and sorry for writing so much :)

    #97604 Score: 0


    Nice suggestions jmillz but

    #idea 1 : i don’t see that it’s a good idea bcs wood mines are for wood and the other mines for ores and ( the block of each server )

    #idea 2 : it’s a good idea but i think the items need to be changed, kit daily is not good. It can be with another way : If u logged in each day for a week u get a gift like u said a diamond pick or any thing the mods want it and for logging in for a month a big gift like ench tools or some fire or … And each rank has his reward and it can be money also why not πŸ˜›

    #idea 3 :I think new players don’t need food bcs they have pig spawner (from the last time i played on prison ) and for the tool hmm… it’s not difficult to get three cobble stone and break one wood to get sticks and make a stone pick. But nice idea

    #plugin 1 : it’s an excellent plugin bcs it will be easier and also for buying food .It can be another plugin like in SV just do /sell (item ) and tra the items are sold. Good idea

    #plugin 2 : it’s a very good idea why not ? but if u wanna give someone something how u will make it ? and also it maybe has some glitches but good idea if there are not glitches or bugs

    #plugin 3 : These clans will be so good I want so much this plugin in Prison

    Nice suggestions and sorry for writing too much :)

    #97606 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Allmost every idea if just bad, because it’d turn it into an OP prison, which is not what we want. (The kits, and ores in a woodmine??)
    The ideas are also bad because most of them are for factions.

    The only thing I like is the PersonalPickup, because it could decrease lag, and people who steal your stuff are so annoying .-.

    #97607 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Idea 1: It’s a little +, not really OP, but I don’t think anyone will mine in wood mines that much: blocks like netherrack or sandstone are easier and faster to mine than wood. Also, due to the smaller amount of ores, it’ll be harder to get diamond in B+, so harder to make a diamond axe. Finally, you’ll need an axe and a pickaxe πŸ˜› So yeah, could be added but imo no one will look at it.

    Idea 2: I suggest not having the same kit for all the ranks, like B rankers use /kit weeklyB for example; or, a different kit for each four ranks. :)

    Idea 3, plugin 1 and 2 (even if the 2 is discontinued according to Wave): Prison isn’t Club Med, you gotta work a lot to get something; this is the concept of every, or at least our Prison server. :) So making things easier is going in the opposite direction. That’s why you have to stay on the pressure plate in the furnace room, doing nearly nothing πŸ˜› The Prison founders could’ve used strings and tripwire hooks, or even pistons, but they’ve chosen to make it.. annoying πŸ˜‰ I’ve suggested one day a new style of furnace rooms to Dark, he said it was possible but it doesn’t fit PR much because it’s too relaxing for us (another point where Dark is da best: makin’ a conceptually realist server ;D )
    -It’s just 2 blocks πŸ˜› Have you seen someone complaining about that? XD
    -As stated above, it’s Prison, you’re in hell, so you can walk a little bit πŸ˜›
    -People getting stuff from you is also a base of PR. :) And, welp, according to what Wave said we can’t use it 😐

    Plugin 3: Luv that πŸ˜› It fits the theme of a true prison really nicely (Agent, add that, now D: )

    GJ jmillz :)

    ~Drumming Dice aka Double D ( πŸ˜‰ ) {DD}

    #97610 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Something similar to the PersonalPickup plugin that’s more recent is this: (It’s not being maintained anymore, however it’s still at a more recent version.)
    It’s at 1.7.9, whereas the PersonalPickup is at about 1.6.2.

    #97615 Score: 0


    Ahh Okay so for the personal-pickup plugin.. Unfortunately it has some flow.. Which are well: This for mega’s one
    1. Fortune doesn’t work with it, as I heard from others
    2. Ah you can break anything except bedrock.. Since regions don’t work with it
    3. Well, that’s about it… Idk what other flaws it might.. btw those flaws aren’t 100% so idk if it’s 100% or not, but I do love the idea :)

    #97616 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Paragraph arguments are better than regular ones ;3

    #97634 Score: 0

    13 pts

    AutoInventory plugin disregards worldguard, that means it can just break any block that is protected by a region. It also disables the Fortune enchantment.

    I would instead recommend OtherDrops:

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