Prison Quest own7ge's Feedback


Home Forums Prison Feedback Prison Quest own7ge's Feedback

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #86995 Score: 0


    I would <Love> to Tell you my feedback about Prison quests.

    – I LOVE IT
    – I think you should put some quests depending on the players rank :)
    – Kind of unbalanced because of the way that you do one quest you receive small amount of money for High rank Players … That is why I suggest Keeping the quests there are. But also adding some quests depending on the players rank. — The unbalanced part about the money was Mentioned by SOMEONE too cool to be named ::: He can say who he is if he wants to. I cant name him cause its not my right, but I couldn’t find him at the moment and I am going to sleep so yeah this is what I can say.
    – But to be honest Mods I appreciate what you have done i always have and thank you a lot for adding this it makes people want to play on prison more and many more people are joining due to this addition.
    – Mods thank you a lot for all your hard work on this new addition :)…

    #87000 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I thank you for your kind comment.
    Also you are allowed to say my name :)

    And the ideas are awesome!


    #87396 Score: 0


    The rewards will get higher and higher for every quest level. Just finish all the quests and you can keep repeating those with high enough reward, fyi the highest reward is $30000 for now. But we might make some rank required quests in the future. Thanks for the feedbacks :)

    #87424 Score: 0


    No Problem :) Thanks for the new system 😉 … I really appreciate what you guys are doing and the time you are spending..

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