I would <Love> to Tell you my feedback about Prison quests.
– I think you should put some quests depending on the players rank 
– Kind of unbalanced because of the way that you do one quest you receive small amount of money for High rank Players … That is why I suggest Keeping the quests there are. But also adding some quests depending on the players rank. — The unbalanced part about the money was Mentioned by SOMEONE too cool to be named ::: He can say who he is if he wants to. I cant name him cause its not my right, but I couldn’t find him at the moment and I am going to sleep so yeah this is what I can say.
– But to be honest Mods I appreciate what you have done i always have and thank you a lot for adding this it makes people want to play on prison more and many more people are joining due to this addition.
– Mods thank you a lot for all your hard work on this new addition :)…
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