Prison rank suggestion


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #114371 Score: 0

    41 pts

    I’m sure people have suggested this before, but whatever; Personally, I feel like Prison could definitely suit a change up in ranks – Yeah, it could be confusing at first, but over time people would surely learn.

    TrialMod -> Officer
    ExpertMod -> Sergeant
    GuardianMod -> Lieutenant
    Admin -> Captain
    HeadMod -> Unit Supervisor

    #114375 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Changing the names of the mod ranks is a bad idea.

    #114377 Score: 0


    Ander, you cant just disagree without an explanation.

    I think it will give the prison server that extra push, small things are what make up the large ones.
    I agree with it

    #114379 Score: 0

    1 pt

    To be honest I say why not, but then why not change it in all servers? I think we’re trying to follow a similar-chat policy across all servers on EC. Not sure though.

    #114395 Score: 0

    2 pts

    To be honest, the standard ranks that are used in each part of the server is getting a little bland. Take things to spice it up and it’s better. Each servers mod ranks could be changed to deal with the specific server piece that makes it unique. Example: ClockSpeed’s title could be Warden. Just saying, I like the idea.

    #114396 Score: 0


    I think thats a great idea, instead of just standardizing throughout the entire EC, maybe have it fit the theme. Normal players being prisoners and mods being prison officers and nice titles instead of just admin/mod/gmod etc

    #114397 Score: 0


    Totally Agree!
    Btw Hey

    #114403 Score: 0

    20 pts

    @LoneWolf, I was in a hurry, I’ll explain now.

    I don’t think they should be changed, because then the Spanish, or the other language-speakers, would not know who is a mod or not, as most do not visit the forums.

    #114409 Score: 0

    4 pts

    I think it’s a good idea that could potentially be implemented globally, and it adds a level of uniqueness in each server so it’s not just the same, boring ranks.

    That being said, it would be confusing for a time, and, like Ander said, non-English speaking players or players who don’t use the forums would have a hard time figuring out what happened.

    #114410 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I can see it right now:

    How much money I pay for Officer? What ranks I need to pay first?

    #114415 Score: 0


    Good Idea! Compromise is required however… -.-

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