Prison Suggestion: Own7ge
Tagged: OWNED
This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Own7ge 10 years ago.
Well, I just want to hear your thoughts on this so talk freely
Okay I’ve heard this suggestion from before, but Ima put it in a better format..
Okay If 20+PLayers are on while a guard+Is On we can do a pvpmine.. ./warp pvpmine… Not Too OP.. Not Too Bad.. Since lately we have most players high ranks, and in this pvpmine it restarts every 15min.. If We go 20- the mine closes down. Now you might says, but Own7ge, Jttt3, Epic etc.. Can kill us cause there higher ranks.. Well, not really.. Why? Cause it wont be a mine only, It’s gonna be a big area while there’s a path for the mine.. You can team-up to get there +Hint:Shift in mines xD.. So while mining shift..+Run-Away to attract people to kill you so you can reach their.
You see some people might not like this and some might, I don’t expect it to be added, but I just wanna take a look at your thoughts..
Anyways Talk Freely
Before I say yes/no I want more details:
-Is the mine forced? Meaning, do you have to go there or is it free choice? Yes/No
-Is there a warning once the mine is going to close down? Say: there’s 20 players, and 1 leaves, will the mine be instantly closed, or will there be a warning first to let players know? Yes/No
-Does it require money to enter? Yes/No
-Can you get refunded in some unfair scenarios? (E.g. when you’re lagging badly and get killed because of it.) Yes/No1. It’s not forced..
2. Yes a 1min countdown
3. It doesn’t require moneySince D rankers might wanna come and they don’t have a dollar.. But Maybe what we can do is say 20 players were mostly D rankers well we can do a Mine for D-A rankers.. F-I.. Etc.. You might say we gonna have to build 10 mines, but no we can just change what’s in the mine.. So depending on what members are the 20 members mostly of.. Tbh this would be a great idea if Prison was always at all times about full, since I’ve seen it on another server and it shocked me..
3. No, why? Cause that will create more problems.. Tbh+It’s a matter of choice..Well.. I was the one who came up with this idea in fact. I see this unfair for most becuase Own7ge and ZeeKingEpic, and etc can come and kill a lot of ppl and it wont make the mine very fun.
Like say if a D ranker, went to that mine and got hmm lets say 10iron blocks and some Op guy comes up and kill him…
Now if Prison, was never too Op, i’ll say sure..But then again if you guys can make it were we can all mine there without being killed in 5secs…
I know by a fact that a higher ranker, can come kill me in secs time…
And you guys think that i’m in J+ and Op as ever. Well i’m not… i’m like a F ranker again just mining for days and etc etc.But my vote will be down.
One More Thing
Now this suggestion is awesome tbh.. <My Oppinion>
PLace bounty… ./bounty <price> <name>
By placing the bounty the person that kills him gets the money +the head of the player at all times… Tell me your opinions about this one+if and if he logs out the money returns back to the person that placed the bounty or stays on him.. If you want the bounty canceled you only get 75% of the money back..
Now here’s how it might go wrong:Bypassing how? Well getting an alt and claiming the bounty just take a screenshot of it and he will get punished.. Or you can just do 50$ per bounty XD.. Just to take their head :).. So Anyways Placing bounties is nice
Edit: For Tavon I said “D-A member in one mine”… If mostly are D-A members.. If mostly F-I members then F-I members in the mine.. This will prevent OP players killing less OP players.. 4 ranks seem enough..
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
Moderators aren’t allowed to use their powers for PVPing, they are only allowed to use those items they gain through fair play. (Otherwise it’s abuse, which can lead to demotion.)
So don’t worry, what you described here won’t be a problem.
If say Own7ge managed to kill you anyway without cheating in any way, he’s allowed to and your fault for going there.Hope this cleared out your issue!
Also bounty, no, sorry. Players will hunt those with a bounty, and the player with the bounty can’t even go in PvP zones to go to OPshop for example, or he’d just get killed right away.
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
Zero that’s the point of “Bounty” -.-… If you want revenge from someone just place a 100k bounty on their head for exmaple.. So if they DIE only if they die… The person that killed him gets the bounty XD.. The player that dies loses no money, but loses stuff if he dies..
Edit:Only the person that places the bounty loses the 100k for example.. +Dark said it might be added..
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
OK, imagine there’s 3 players player a, player b, and player c
Player C placed a bounty on player a, player a ask player b to kill player a and pay player a the money.
That is the flaw of bounty
That is true, but player of rank C wont place a bounty of 10k.. Since he’s rank C.. You see he might only place a bounty of 1k.. or 100$.. It’s only for fun.. No one is going to be dumb enough to place a 100k bounty.. xD.. It’s just for fun and if the guy dies you can take his head actually… this Plugin makes it if someone places a bounty on another persons head.. Then the persons that had the bounty placed on him loses his head if he dies… Loses as in the other person can take that head as in”Waveware got beheaded” The bounty has been claimed..:Example..
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
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