Prison Suggestion! ~Tavon


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  jwidja 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #128974 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hello there EternalCraft Players! :)

    Knowing that Heollween is coming up Omg! I wanted to suggestion some things that we could do! So.. Shall we start? Lets go.

    Now I’m going to try and make it fair for everyone in the Server, so some people won’t feel left out or anything.

    Suggestion: Last year all we did was Mine mainly, well.. Why not do it again! But it’s not going to be boring this time! So.. The main blocks that can be in the mine is this. Gold blocks, iron, blocks, diamond ores, emerald ores, pumpkins, the main block will be stone or End stone. The Event will start on Oct 24th and will end on Nov 1st, reason why I say that becuase of this, it will be more fair for everyone, then just to have a one or two days of mining, why not have a week of it. Besides you won’t get many Ores from it! >:D
    Moving now! So.. You think thats just it? Nah.. Got much more to come! Now to start off why the NPC’s! :O
    I came up with a trade for them just now. NPC’s name: Helloween. What he gives you?: Trade one stack of emeralds & a stack of pumpkins for 16 blocks of Emeralds. Or it could be something else!

    If you don’t like that then maybe you may like this one.

    For Weekly Trade, you can get a Helloween Sword, Pick or Axe, you may need it for The mining! Who knows!
    I don’t know what could be on those items but it should be fair for everyone.

    Anyway thats all I’ve for you guys today! Have a Nice day! :)

    Skype: tavon.davis6
    If you want to talk to me about building or the Suggestion it self. Or just post it in here! :)

    #128975 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Mining is mining, and if you’ve been doing it alot, which basically is what prison is about, it’s boring. Wether you add a pumpkin to it or not, it’d still be. It’d be cool to do something special this halloween, instead of just mining. Got any ideas for that?

    #128976 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Some things are too OP, but some will be considered. Thanks for your suggestions :)

    #128977 Score: 0


    I’m not sure but i guess Clock da noo..i mean da pro already prepared something special for Prison..But i hope it’s new

    #128980 Score: 0


    I would suggest some events, like some games, other than mining.

    Here’s my suggestion:

    Prison Ghostbusters
    (It’s halloween and the prison got haunted by ghosts of previous dead criminals, the guards had offered a random reward for “cleansing” the prison. Though it is a risky job, but the prisoners had to take up this job so as not to get killed by one of those ghosts)

    Ghosts: NPCs (Moving around the server constantly) or can be mods (for short event)
    Ghostbusters: Players

    For every ghost killed, the player is rewarded with an event crate or 3 mini crate.

    Event will lasts for some time

    #128981 Score: 0

    12 pts


    It’s kind of hard to think of something that you don’t have to mine for, knowing Prison is all about it.

    A pvp event would be… Unfair a ton of player, so thinking of that isn’t a good idea.

    Maybe add a Quest about Helloween stuff, and if you win you get some money or a Item or something.

    Maybe add a Boss Battle to /warp Helloween and you can fight him for an item or something.

    Like I said before.. It’s hard to think of something that doesn’t have to do with mining.

    #129009 Score: 0


    oi give everyone a wand that can blow stuff up and do like a possessed thing like a golem that can throw u up yayayayayaya

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