Prison Trial Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Prison Trial Moderator Application

This topic contains 25 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #67452 Score: 0


    In Game Username:Patrina
    Experience:I used to be a moderator on another prison server.I understand the commands and the points of being a Moderator.I know some glitches like xraying, and I know how to spot them too.
    How Often you are Online: I am online about 4hr to 6hr on weekdays, 3hr to 7hr on weekends.Sometimes I could also be online almost up till 24hrs.
    Why you want to become mod: I want to be a moderator as I can help people more on a difficult task based on a Moderator can do.Especially when a player is new, I would help him/her on the basic and show him/her where and what he/she could do to rank up and achieve his/her goals.Not only helping, I also experiencing people swearing,hacking,abusing the bugs,disrespecting each other and also breaking the rules.I would reprimand the people who did the wrong things which breaks the rules.Lastly, I would want EC Prison Server to be a better and a kinder place for all.

    Thank You for spending your time reading. :)

    #67453 Score: 0


    Vote UP
    Nice experiences… and good points of you… I like your behaviour too!
    Good Luck Patrina!

    #67454 Score: 0


    Oh Thanks alot! Friend! 😛

    #67456 Score: 0


    Vote up knows what she is doing as she was or of the first to rank A

    #67457 Score: 0


    Thanks Heyman!

    #67458 Score: 0


    thumbs Up :)




    -Deserving To be A mod :)

    #67459 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Vote up.

    Kept it short, yet still really detailed.
    Good reason/s.
    Good-sounding experience.

    I believe Patrina could be a great mod with the opportunity, and I believe she should be given that opportunity.

    #67460 Score: 0


    Thanks el and mega! 😉

    #67461 Score: 0


    Try not to respond after each post to reduce spam on the forums! 😀

    #67462 Score: 0


    oh ok sorry vsub

    #67463 Score: 0


    Uh some points to throw out

    You aren’t active on the forums
    You were asking blon about where to create the mod application if im not wrong.
    You abused a “Mistake” by the headmods. Not a really major issue i suppose.

    #67464 Score: 0


    Im active on forum tako
    Did I abused a mistake? But if I did, not a really major issue as you said XD…
    So Tako Vote Mid,Up or Down? 😉

    #67465 Score: 0

    This reply has been marked as private.
    #67466 Score: 0

    1 pt

    -You aren’t active on the forums.
    -You have shown some immaturity on the prison server.
    -You where caught exploiting a mods mistake, instead of reporting it you used it and got your self set back to B.
    -When I am online I don’t see you talking much in chat or replying to those who ask questions in chat.
    -Showing that you can be immature, not trusted to report server issues/mistakes and are not as active on the forums as need this is a strong vote down from me.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  jttt3.
    #67468 Score: 0


    Vote Down:
    -You’ve asked multiple times how things worked on prison.
    -You were rude to a moderator, questioning their actions and showing disrespect when they knew what they were doing.
    -I wouldn’t see you as moderator material due to the fact shown in your attitude. Through your actions and the way you act, you do not seem one bit mature enough to enter into the moderating team yet.
    -You aren’t active on the forums. Shown by your 1 topic which is this and your 11 replies which a portion of them are on this moderator application. It is essential for you to be active on the forums due to the fact that you aren’t just helping people on the server but on the forums.
    -The times I’ve seen you BEING helped it pretty big. I’ve honestly never seen you help in return.

    I want to be a moderator as I can help people more on a difficult task based on a Moderator can do.Especially when a player is new, I would help him/her on the basic and show him/her where and what he/she could do to rank up and achieve his/her goals.Not only helping, I also experiencing people swearing,hacking,abusing the bugs,disrespecting each other and also breaking the rules.I would reprimand the people who did the wrong things which breaks the rules.Lastly, I would want EC Prison Server to be a better and a kinder place for all.
    I’m just gonna point out things here:
    1) You’ve never helped really as a member in my POV, so you mean to tell me you’d need a higher position of authority to ANSWER QUESTIONS?………
    2) Why aren’t you reporting the ones who do the wrong things like swearing and such? If they are doing something wrong, then why sit there?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

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