Prison Trial Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Prison Trial Moderator Application

This topic contains 25 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)
  • Author
  • #67471 Score: 0


    delta, i meant was i can help ppl on MORE of a DIFFICULT TASK. and also NOT JUST SIMPLE STUFFS.I didnt sit there, we suppose to forgive them.Until they swear the 3rd TIME

    #67472 Score: 0


    jttt3, the glitch is over and why are you still bring back? are u trying to make me fail as a mod chance?and i dont want to talk much as it might cause spamming. and nobody want that to happen…

    #67473 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Patrina when members apply for mod we take into account there past and how they have acted and what they have done over there course on the server.

    This isn’t as relatable but on Survival if you apply for mod and have abused things, been tagged, or things along that line it reduces your chances just like exploiting a mods mistake on prison can lower you chances.

    #67474 Score: 0


    delta, i meant was i can help ppl on MORE of a DIFFICULT TASK. and also NOT JUST SIMPLE STUFFS.I didnt sit there, we suppose to forgive them.Until they swear the 3rd TIME
    -If you cannot complete simple duties when you are a member, how can you expect to complete difficult duties as a trial? As a member you are suppose to report to the forums about users who break the rules to the best of your abilities. You haven’t done that. If you can’t even do this easy stuff, then how can you do anything harder?

    jttt3, the glitch is over and why are you still bring back? are u trying to make me fail as a mod chance?and i dont want to talk much as it might cause spamming. and nobody want that to happen…
    -First of all, the user has every right to say what he feels about going against the idea of you becoming a moderator. He is not trying to make you fail as a mod. If he feels you are not ready for the spot then he will vote you down. If you can’t even take criticism then how can you be mod when people will say things 10x+ times worse than that? Second of all, vsub already told you to not reply to everything with separate posts. Just make one posts and reply to everyone.

    #67475 Score: 0


    the tomcats..

    #67476 Score: 0


    delta, ive told u that giving them another chance and do you even understand what i mean?
    ok delta, so when can i be a mod again?

    #67479 Score: 0


    -Vote Down
    – Same reason as jtt3

    #67481 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Patrina, from what I’ve seen I’m a good friend of yours, so I’ll make this as kind as possible. You’re trying too hard, if you can’t take criticism then you’re not ready. Just relax, you may make mistakes but, you shouldn’t over react towards them. I think you’ll make a great Mod but it will take time. Because of this, I’ve decided not to vote.

    #67484 Score: 0

    I vote down.

    • Inactive on forums
    • immature
    • Disrespectful

    Do not reply to each post. Not being able to handle criticism is a sign of immaturity, which will lower your chances of having your app accepted. It’s best to admit that you’re not that much of mod material. You can always improve, then make another mod app.

    #67486 Score: 0



    +Good Person
    -Not Active on Forums
    -You Can help as a member

    I will Vote for a stable Vote like ( Down or Up ) not now




    #67488 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Denied. Asked for others to vote up on this application.

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

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